By Hom Hurng / Shan Herald Agency for News (SHAN) / BNI Online | March 21, 2018

Over 200 local residents are taking shelter in Aung Mingalar Monastery in Kyaukme in northern Shan State due to the fighting between the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) and the Restoration Council of Shan State/Shan State Army – South (RCSS/SSA-S) in Kyaukme Township.

A total of 233 residents of Ohn Wee Village arrived in Kyaukme on March 16 and are unable to return home.

According to Kyaukme residents, the residents of two villagers are unable to flee as they are trapped between the military activities of the two armed groups.

[The people] who have arrived are over 200 residents from Ohn Wee Village. They are taking shelter at Aung Mingalar Monastery. The monastery and local villagers have been assisting them. Fighting can break out anytime at the village. So, they are afraid to go back home,” said the State Hluttaw MP Sai Nyan Tun from Kyaukme constituency.

Kyaukme resident Sai Hlyan said around 1,000 residents of Tawt Hpei and Kun Kaw villages, which are located around 40 miles in the northeast of Kyaukme, are trapped between the two armed groups.

“The TNLA is active in Kun Kaw and Taw Hpei villages. The RCSS/SSA-S is active outside the village. Fighting can break out anytime. But, the villagers are unable to flee and they are trapped. There are around 500 people in each village. So, there are 1,000 people in the two villages. Assistance groups from Kyaukme haven’t been able to rescue them. There are landmines on the road,” said U Lone Hlyan.

Sai Ba Nyan from the Internally Displaced Person (IDP) Assistance Committee said around 1,500 IDPs are taking refuge in Namtu Township now due to the fighting between the TNLA and the RCSS/SSA-S and the Tatmadaw.

The IDP Assistance Committee urged the armed groups to immediately release the villagers that have been detained by the military columns.


This article originally appeared on BNI Online on March 21, 2018.