Statement by Karen National Union (KNU) | October 4, 2016

  1. In line with decision of the Karen National Union (KNU) 15th Congress, the Karen Armed Forces Unity committee was formed on 26-2-2016, in order to be able to unify the decamped Karen armed groups, based on unity of the entire Karen nation.
  1. It is especially necessary for the Karen armed groups, which had decamped from the KNU, to participate in unity together, under the political leadership of the KNU.
  1. The decamped DKBA, according its statement of 1/2016, dated January 16, 2016, it would stand in accordance with the statements designated as 1/94 and 2/94 of the past DKBO.
  1. The DKBO’s position and principles were in opposition to the KNU and it was also an organization formed by the SPDC.
  1. For that reason, this statement is issued to declare that the KNU accepts and welcomes the decamped DKBA to retract its statement of 1/2016 and reunify with the KNU.


Central Executive Committee

Karen National Union (KNU)