Press release by Arakan Rohingya National Organization (ARNO) | October 11, 2016

Arakan Rohingya National Organization (ARNO) expresses its serious concern on the ongoing police and military crackdowns on innocent Rohingya civilians in Maungdaw Township following attacks by unidentified assailants on three separate police outposts in northern Arakan on Sunday 9 October.

Taking law into their own hands the police and army have turned North Arakan into a hell for the Rohingyas making indiscriminate arrests, killing dozens of innocent villagers– including an infant child, and a 13 year boy — torching and plundering villages and homes, torturing everyone they see, and violating the womenfolk. Due to curfew order and imposition of blockade, the Rohingya in the area are facing acute shortage of food and essentials. Round the clock sense of utter insecurity and abject helplessness are prevalent.

These military attacks on civilians are most grave and blatant violation of international law. The fundamental principle of international humanitarian law has never permitted to target civilians, other non-combatants, or civilian property for attacks as codified in the Geneva Conventions, which Burma/Myanmar ratified in 1992. As such, Myanmar government and military have to take responsibility for breach of its treaty obligation.

We, therefore, demand Myanmar government to ensure complete security of life, property and dignity of the Rohingya people. In the meantime, we urge upon the UN with the international community, OIC, USA, EU, ASEAN neighbouring Bangladesh and other Myanmar’s neighbours to intervene for the protection and peaceful living of Rohingya minority in Myanmar.
For more details, please contact:

Ronnie          Mobile phone  +44-7783118354
Ko Ko Linn  Mobile phone  +880 1726068414