Kachinland News (KLN) | November 20, 2016

A combined force of allied ethnic troops from Kachin Independence Army (KIA), Arakan Army (AA), Ta-ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) and Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA-Kokang) today launched a joint simultaneous attack on Burmese army positions in Pangsai, Mungkoe, Hpawng Seng, Man Kang, Man Jak, Bangtong, Mung Paw, Kutkai, Nam Um and Mungyu beginning early morning.

This is the first of its kind that allied ethnic troops came together for a joint operation against Burmese army positions in urban area. Leaders of ethnic armies said the offensives were necessary to hinder Burmese army’s increasing deployment in ethnic territories.

Kutkai residents said they heard sound of artillery fire and gunshots beginning early Sunday morning. A local resident in Mungyu also known as 105 mile, located on Burma road between Nampaka and Muse, told KLN that he agreed with allied ethnic troops’ actions despite undergoing hardships.

A Mungkoe source said Burmese army officials in Byuha hill summoned some Mungkoe residents and interrogated for about two hours.

Hundreds of Mungkoe, Hpawng Seng, and Pangsai residents have fled their homes and taken refuge in nearby larger cities and Chinese side of the border. They were initially told by Chinese officials not to cross the border but later allowed to take refuge in a temporary camp in Chinese side of the border.

This article originally appeared on Kachinland News (KLN) on November 20, 2016.