Mon News Agency | January 12, 2016

“Early this morning

[January 11], the KNLA troops fired roughly 40 times using large artillery rounds. In the process, our office building was damaged,” said the official from the NMSP’s Tavoy-District.

After inquiring for the facts, MNA found out that a joint-force of 40 men from company 2 and company 3 of the KNU’s Brigade 4 came to attack the NMSP’s The-chaung base.As a result of the attack, two men from the MNLA’s unit were wounded, with one seemed to be sent to hospital carrying serious injuries, according to NMSP Headquarters.

It was reportedly stated that after the NMSP signed state level and union level ceasefire agreements with the government, The-chaung base is one of the 18 bases the NMSP’s troops had agreed with the government to be stationed at. The-chaung base is under NMSP’s Battalion No. 2 control in the area of Kin-chaung-pyar, Yebyu Township.

However, although the KNU already signed state level and union level as well as the nationwide ceasefire agreement (NCA) with the government, there is no demarcation for the KNU in the area yet.

The troops from the KNU’s Brigade 4 and the NMSP’s Tavoy-District Unit had exchanged fire four times [from] late 2016, a result of trespassing into the NMSP’s controlled territory.

On September 11, 2016, 3 representatives from the NMSP and the KNU respectively, held a meeting and founded a liaison committee to prevent any armed engagement by both sides based in Yebyu Township.

This article originally appeared on Mon News Agency on January 12, 2017.