By Sai Wansai / Shan Herald Agency for News | January 27, 2017
Why is it so hard for the Tatmadaw to accept all-inclusive participation of all the ethnic armies that have been its adversaries or enemies?
Isn’t making peace involve talking and negotiating with one’s enemies?
But if the Tatmadaw entertains total annihilation of the ethnic armies as a solution, there is no need to be indulging in this fake peace negotiation, as its ultimate aim is not “win-win”, problem-solving but “win-lose”, negotiated surrender of the ethnic armies.
Thus, it is the Tatmadaw’s mindset and “political will” that needs to change and nothing else is more important. In other words, if the Tatmadaw could embrace and is committed to the welfare of the people and not just for its “group survival”, to hold on to political decision-making power, then there is a way out of this debacle.
It is none other than to abandon its paternalistic posture, in the manner of a father dealing benevolently and often intrusively with his children or master-slave relationship. It needs to come down from its high horse and must have the courage to sit down as equal negotiation partners, around the table, with other stakeholders. Then and only then, would there be earnest peace process negotiation and possible peace settlement. Otherwise, the war or internal conflict will go on. It is as simple as that.
Regarding international community the ethnic armies can’t rely too much on it, especially the nation-states. They are designed to firstly look at their national interest – meaning: economic advantage, Geo-political concern and instilling or advancement of their ideologies and policies beneficial to them. And as such, democratization, universal human rights and all are just lip-service and secondary at most. Thus, General Gun Maw of Kachin Independence Organization/Army (KIO/KIA) shouldn’t be disappointing but learn how to make use of individual nation-state to one’s advantage, through give-and-take.
There is a saying: “All’s fair in love and war”. And no doubt, adversaries will be implementing this adage so long as the world goes on. I am afraid, the ethnic armies would also need to do so.
This article originally appeared on Shan Herald for News on January 27, 2017.