Karen National Union (KNU) | January 31, 2018

Dear Karen National Leaders, Comrades and All Karen Nationals,

Today is the 6911‘ Anniversary of the Karen National Revolutionary Resistance. All the Karen people indeed must remember, respect and honor the anniversary of the Karen National Revolutionary Resistance like this always in the annals of history of the Karen people.

On this day, we exchange our wishes for the blessings and protection of the Lord of Justice and Righteousness to descend upon leaders, comrades and all the people in our national struggle. We also remember, acknowledge and honor our national leaders, comrades and all our people, who have sacrificed their precious lives, blood, energy, possessions and time in our national struggle readily, up to this day.

Dear Karen National Leaders, Comrades and All Karen Nationals,

Initially, our national struggle the for rights and equality was not an armed struggle. Our national leaders had engaged in peaceful and political struggle. However, as the AFPFL government in power, in addition to not recognizing and addressing the demand made politically, tried to destroy our political aspirations and movement by repressive means, armed resistance had to come into being. Armed resistance had to arise in self-defense to defend lives, lands, properties, homes and villages.

Dear Karen National Leaders, Comrades and All Karen Nationals,

The main aim of the Karen national resistance is for the Karen people to thrive as a nationality like the others, with equality and freedom, and to have development in all areas in accordance with the advance of time. Moreover, it is to establish the Federal Union based on democracy, which can bring equality for all people of the ethnic nationalities, recognition of diversity and shared benefits.

To protect the Karen people and KNU’s political aims, we have to engage in revolutionary resistance since 1949. The armed resistance came into being, because our national political stands and our nationals were oppressed and violated by force of arms. However, our KNU is convinced that the resolution of political problem by political means is the best, most correct and most appropriate way.

Dear Karen National Leaders, Comrades and All Karen Nationals,

Due to changes in world situation, the situation in our country and demands, our KNU started to sign ceasefire agreements with the Burmese/Myanmar government at the state and union levels in 2012 and make the effort by political means. Moreover, the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) was signed on the 15th of October 2015. In the NCA there is absolutely no requirement for laying down arms.

The main aim of the KNU is to find solution for the political problems peacefully by meeting and holding discussions by political means. It is not absolutely for renouncing the way of arms. It is merely for establishing long-lasting and durable peace. For that reason, the KNU has thought and performed by putting at the forefront peace and prosperity for the entire people and the development of the Union State. It is not categorically for abandoning the way of arms. It is for the establishment of a new political culture in which the political conflicts are not resolved by violence but by holding discussions politically and resolving conflicts by peaceful means, through consultations.

Dear Karen National Leaders, Comrades and All Karen Nationals,

In such a time, it is vital for all of us to perform with unity and work hand in hand. This is not the time to blame one another. To hold political discussion meetings at the national level, without delay, was agreed at the Second Union Peace Conference — 21 Century Panlong and they have been held in some regions. The aim is to gather the aspirations, views and positions of the ethnic nationalities and the entire people of the country in the effort to establish the Future Federal Democratic Union. The Karen ethnic national level political discussion meetings, which are the national level political dialogues, have been held in the Karen State and some other regions. However, as prohibition has been met in some States and Regions, the political discussion meetings could not have been held as provided for.

Whatever it may be, there is reason for us to consult with the responsible Burma/Myanmar government and Armed Forces officials. We have to meet and correct the dissimilar views and understanding regarding the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA). We have to meet and make it right by peaceful means the misunderstanding and dissimilar views regarding the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA). For the political dialogue and the struggle by peaceful means to proceed smoothly, every one of us has the responsibility to push up together from our own respective corner. As we have supported, with courage and all our might, the armed struggle of the KNU, there is cause for us to support and work together at a time like this, when we are making the effort by political means and dialogue.

Dear Karen National Leaders, Comrades and All Karen Nationals,

Political meetings and dialogues are more effective than armed action. The political dialogue table has more danger than the battle field. For that reason, every one of us must be careful and must not regard the political negotiation lightly and do it without due caution. If a political damage happens, the adverse effect hurts not just one person or one nationality, but it hurts the entire people and the entire country. Accordingly, let us the Karen people get together and present, with unity and courage, the difficulties faced by the Karen people and the demands of the Karen people. We must work and strive together to have our rights and requirements written in the Constitution of the country. We must build together a country, where all the ethnic nationalities will live with mutual respect and help in the development of one another.

Dear Karen National Leaders, Comrades and All Karen Nationals,

At a time when we are striving for transforming the system of government and situation of the country through peaceful means and negotiation, there is cause for us to reduce our self-centeredness and anxiety. There is cause for us to find ways and endeavor together to build up mutual trust through our work that will help build up the trust. Currently we see that there is much mistrust, differing understanding and wavering mind in many persons and various organizations. To reduce mistrust and uncertainty over peace building work, there is reason for us to avoid saying things and doing activities that would cause anxiety and fear between one person and another, and between one organization and another. Hence, there is need for us to get together and talk over things to drive away the fear and anxiety. To build mutual trust, we must improve our relationship and understanding of the cooperative work. There is need also on the part of the people not to sow fear and uncertainty between one group and another but to support and strengthen trust and consultation together, for peace and progress of the country.

Dear Karen National Leaders, Comrades and All Karen Nationals,

The KNU has clear political aims for establishing national equality, self-determination and the federal democratic system. The KNU is striving to reform Constitution of the country so that it will have full guarantee for the entire people and every one of the ethnic nationalities. The effort of holding consultation meetings with the people’s leaders and representatives are being made for inclusion of their views and positions in the political dialogues and negotiation. Likewise, effort will be made at the political dialogue table to get the opportunity and permission for meeting further with the people’s leaders and representatives, because it is our conviction that if the views and positions of the people’s leaders and representatives are not included in the dialogue and negotiation at the political dialogue table, we cannot absolutely achieve durable peace.

Dear Karen National Leaders, Comrades and All Karen Nationals,

There is a saying that ‘Many bamboo poles get you to the other side of the stream and many bamboo twines make the tie strong’. To achieve our Karen national aims and aspirations, it is necessary for all the Karen people to join hands, unite and work together in our own respective corners, with the energy, proficiencies and time we possess. On the other hand, we must act with a steady mind and determination, until our national aim and our requests are fully upheld. At the same time, we must maintain the revolutionary alertness always in our activities in the future. In conclusion, I would like to urge and wish everyone of you, our nationals, to have always patriotism in your heart and endeavor together until the aspirations of our people is fully achieved.


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