Central Headquarter of Meisong Republic Party | July 4, 2018

The Meisong Republic Party (MRP) strongly supports the statement of Kachin National Organization (KNO) which was released on June 21, 2018, regarding on the meeting with the Kachin Independent Organization (KIO) on June 15-16 in Laiza, the Headquarter of KIO.

(1) The KNO precisely and clearly declared its objective to the Kachin people that the KNO will fight for the full-fledged independence of Kachinland. Which is the same with the pri nciple of MRP.

(2) The KIO leaders clearly and undoubtedly expressed in the meeting, saying; the KIO stands for the federal Union with Burma, as they think, if the Kachin people have obtained a perfect federal state under the Union of Burma, they will enjoy freedom as the same with the independent. But the KNO obstinately rejected the stand of the KIO. The MRP supports such boldly and steadfastly stand of the KNO for the independence of the Kachinland. Now, the fact which is known by all of us that pure and perfect federalism can never be implemented in the Union of Burma. Because the Burmans make themselves as a big racial group or majority, and the Kachins and other non-Burman ethnic people are suppressed and marginalized by them. Moreover, they are intending to annihilate our Kachin people. The Kachins, therefore, to live together in peace and tranquility with Burmans under a Union is not possible. Which we have already experienced in the past more than sixty years. To achieve our independence is thus the only alternative left for us to have peace and development in our land. Hence, the MRP is encouraging the KNO and the other ethnic nationalities’ armed groups, to stand firmly and steadfastly for their own independence.

(3) In No. 4 of its statement, the KNO mentioned that the Kachin had been strived to build the Union of Burma in the past more sixty years. But in return, the Burmans had done good for evil. They destroyed our nation, and they are continuingly suppressing, torturing, killing, and rapping our women. Moreover, they are sending more Burmans to our country and filling our land with Burmans. Therefore, the KNO clearly informed the Kachin people that under such circumstances, justice and equality can never be found in the Union of Burma. The MRP highly appreciates such clear information to our people.

(4) The MRP hopes, the KNO will relentlessly and tenaciously work for our nation to fulfill its statement.

(5) Also, following up the stand of the KNO, we hope, the Kachin people will unitedly and undauntedly march forward with the KNO so as to reach our destiny sooner.

(6) In order to end the protracted conflict with Burma which is dragged on more than sixty (60) years, the MRP would like to call all the Kachin people to boldly and decisively decide and stand together for the full-fledged independence of Kachinland.

Dated July 4, 2018

Meisong Republic Party Central Headquarter.