Karenni Civil Society Network (KCSN), October 23, 2013

The Karenni Civil Society Network (KCSN) organized a workshop on land and natural resource management on 18-20 October, 2013 at a location on the Thai-Karenni border. 48 participants from 16 local civil society groups attended the workshop and agreed to the following points:

1. There must be consultation with local communities and transparency regarding extraction of natural resources.

2. If existing customary laws are appropriate and good for the protection of land, natural resources and forest, then these must be mandated by law.

3. Civil society organizations must be given the right to freely visit and observe or monitor the sites of mega projects or any other economic investment projects implemented by the government or companies.

4. The implementers of such projects must take responsibility for any impacts and contribute to sustainable social development at the area affected by the project.

5. Project implementers must follow and respect local cultural practices.

6. Any projects should be implemented according to the procedures of FPIC (Free, Prior and Informed Consent).

7. Projects that will not contribute to the development of Karenni state must not be implemented in the state.

8. Any NGO/INGO that provides humanitarian assistance must follow the criteria of HAP (Humanitarian Accountability Partnership) standards during project implementation. All projects must be carried out according to principles of grass-roots ownership, transparency and accountability, and should strengthen existing local civil society groups and their work, not bypass or weaken them.

Karenni Civil Society Network
Contact person – Khu Mi Reh
– (+66) 081 029 9570
– Naw Ahmu
– (+66) 081 366 0621