Statement by the UNFC (United Nationalities Federal Council), April 23, 2014

UNFC Statement Condemning Myanmar Tatmadaw for Launching Strategic Offensives in Kachin State and Northern Shan State

1. We, the UNFC, strongly condemn Myanmar Tatmadaw (Myanmar/Burma Armed Forces) as its massive military offensives, since early April in the Kachin State and Northern Shan State, against the KIA, TNLA and the SSA (N) forces, assume the form of a general strategic offensive.

2. Of the Myanmar Tatmadaw’s divisional military units, Divisions 22 and 44 are left in the Karen and Mon States, and Divisions 11, 33, 55, 66, 77, 88 and 99 have been deployed in the above mentioned regions, and as they are conducting joint military operations with the local military units from North-East Command, Northern Command, MOC 16 and 21, we see that an overwhelming force is being used.

3. As Myanmar Tatmadaw has used, positioned and deployed an overwhelming force with the aim of encircling and annihilating the KIA, TNLA and SSA (N) forces, battles have taken place and likely to take place, in several places. As refugees in endless number have to flee from their hearths and homes, and “crimes”, including human rights violations and sexual violence are reported daily, we, the UNFC, feel greatly concerned, in addition to being appalled.

4. At a time especially when negotiation is being conducted systematically by representatives of the Union Government of Myanmar/Burma and the ethnic armed resistance organizations for “Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement,” the government’s attempt to use military force for resolving problems is a thing, which should never be done, and we, the UNFC would like to warn that the action would be like breaking up into pieces the understanding and trust gained, at every step of the negotiation.

5. For that reason, we, the UNFC, would like to prod the government to pull out its military forces deployed in the regions mentioned above, which are conducting or preparing to conduct major military offensives, and let us continue undertakings until nationwide ceasefire agreement is reached, political dialogues are held and political agreements are achieved, for the establishment of lasting and honorable peace for the future Federal Union.

(In accordance with decision of the UNFC extended Executive Committee meeting held on April 21 – 22, 2014)


April 23, 2014

9th Waning Moon, Dagu Month, 1376


Central Executive Committee

United Nationalities Federal Council

Download the statement (PDF)