Shan Herald, May 9, 2014

The Shan State Progress Party/ Shan State Army (SSPP/SSA) has already fought more than 200 battles, big and small, with the Burma Army that had launched campaigns against it, according to its Golden Jubilee publication.

“Not only failing to keep its word that Burmese forces would be withdrawing from areas around the SSPP/SSA, the Burma Army has expanded its control into SSPP/SSA areas, and had launched military campaigns against it,” it says on P.142. “The result is that clashes between the SSPP/SSA and the Burma Army have taken place more than 200 times since the signing of the (state level) ceasefire agreement.”

One example was in July 2012 when the two sides fought for 17 days after the Burma Army launched an offensive to seize the SSPP/SSA’s Hwe Zawd, Tawng Hio and Zed Lak (Seven Miles) outposts. “The government of U Thein Sein then requested, in the name of peace, to withdraw temporarily. We complied with and since then the outposts are being occupied by the Burmese forces.”

Less well known than its sister organization the Restoration Council of Shan State/Shan State Army (RCSS/SSA) that is based along the Thai-Burmese border, the SSPP/SSA is led by Lt-Gen Pang Fa, who is Chairman of the SSPP as well as Commander-in-Chief of the SSA.

The SSPP is led by a 31 member Central Committee, 23 permanent and 8 alternative. Its Vice Chairman is Maj Gen Kherh Tai and General Secretary Col Khun Hseng.

The SSA has 3 divisions: 999th (with 3 brigades, 1st, 153rd and 612nd), 918th (with 3 brigades, 27th, 36th and 702nd) and 909th (with 2 brigades, 72nd and 74th). Its Chief of Staff is Col Khemin.

The RCSS/SSA has also claimed to have fought more than 50 clashes during the same time.

This article originally appereared on S.H.A.N.