Press statement, May 31, 2014

The Tenth Karen Unity Seminar was successfully held from May 28 to 31, in the Karen revolutionary area at Lay Wah (AKA) Law Khee Lar. The seminar was attended by 246 participants from Karen CBOs, based at home and abroad, Karen religious leaders, Karen Youth and Karen Women organizations, Karen political parties, Karen armed organizations, a total of 66 organizations, and independent individuals.

  • The main topics discussed by participants at the Seminar were – enhancement of unity among the Karen dialect groups, raising the level of life of the entire Karen people, the peace process undertaken by the Karen National Union and the Burmese/Myanmar government, current political situation in Burma, refugee matters and the difficulties faced by the entire Karen people.
  • In building unity of the Karen people, the Seminar participants have decided to stand by the political aims and objectives of establishing a Federal Union based on democracy, national equality and self-determination, under the leadership of the KNU.
  • Regarding nationwide ceasefire, transparency and updating the people on development are necessary, and in the negotiations to overcome current snags and to achieve durable ceasefire, political dialogue and lasting peace, the Seminar participants have agreed that ‘all the Karen, including the Karen academics and women, will cooperate and participate in the activities’.
  • The Seminar has decided to protect and participate in resolving problems of environmental damage, human rights violations and land confiscations resulting from development projects, and demanded that the ‘government shall not sign Memorandum of Understanding for any mega economic projects’ during the period of ongoing peace building process.
  • Additionally, the participants have supported unanimously the amendment of the 2008 Constitution and decided to cooperate with the political parties and democratic forces.
  • The Seminar has agreed to cooperate, as a national duty, in the fight against narcotic drug abuse and trafficking, which is becoming widespread among the Karen people and urged the Karen armed organizations to conduct education on drug problems and take actions in accordance with law.
  • In conclusion, the Seminar urges all the Karen dialect groups to be united in order to achieve the Karen national aims and objectives, and all the Karen religious organizations, armed organizations, political parties and community based organizations to draw up a national plan, with minimum and maximum programs, for building solid unity, and calls on the entire Karen people to strive for the convening of an all-inclusive Karen national conference.


Karen National Unity Seminar
Convening Committee
Contact Points: Saw Hla Htun (095 6952193 – Thai) (09 4250 48709 – Myanmar)
Naw Suzanna Hla Hla Soe (09 286 82576 – Thai) (09 250 795258 – Myanmar)
Saw Lwin Oo (61-412 344 009 – Australia) (080 8461857 – Thai)

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