01 / 2015 Press Release by the United Nationalities Federal Council (UNFC), February 11, 2015

1. On the auspicious and historic Union Day, which has conceived the Union and which falls on February 12, our UNFC is desirous of finalizing the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement draft without delay, with the intent of supporting the current internal peace building process, for the signing of it and starting political dialogue and negotiations to resolve the basic political problems by political means.

2. Therefore, the UNFC Chairman N-Ban La sent a proposal, dated January 18, 2015, to President U Thein Sein. A reply letter with remarks by the President, sent through Union Minister U Aung Min, was received on January 27, 2015.

3. Subsequently, on February 5-6, 2015, a delegation led by Union Minister U Aung Min held consultation meetings with the UNFC delegation led by Nai Hong Sar, in Chaing Mai of Thailand.

4. At those consultation meetings, our UNFC officially handed over to Union Minister U Aung Min a proposal for signing a commitment, desired by the UNFC, and based on President U Thein Sein’s radio speech, on December 2, 2014, stating that the achievement of “Political agreement for establishing the federal union”. The Union Peace-making Work Committee (UPWC), as well, handed over its proposal to the UNFC.

5. As the proposals of the two sides were not in agreement, an understanding was reached for consultation again, before the Union Day. Accordingly, on (9-2-2015), our UNFC officially informed the UPWC and made preparations for sending a delegation, including representatives of other armed ethnic organizations, to Nay Pyi Taw to continue consultations. However, the UPWC did not accept further consultations with the UNFC delegation.

6. The common aims of the proposals by the two sides are to facilitate the writing of the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement and, subsequent to the signing of it without delay, to proceed to political dialogue and negotiations. Moreover, as it is directly related to trust building also, and as there is the absence of political guarantee, we would like to inform that the text of the agreement our side propose to sign is as shown below.

“The two parties agree to establish a genuine federal union based on national states having full guarantee for democracy, national equality and self-determination rights. In accordance with the said agreement, the two parties firmly vow to endeavor and continue to realize the nationwide ceasefire agreement.”

Central Executive Committee

The United Nationalities Federal Council (UNFC)



Nai Hong Sar Vice Chairman (1) Phone – +66(0)80-503-0849
Khu Oo Reh General Secretary Phone – +66(0)84-805-1344


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