Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), General Headquarters, Kawthoolei | October 14, 2015

The Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) is a Karen national revolutionary resistance army formed by the Karen National Union (KNU) for the liberation and defense of the Karen people. With regard to ceasefire, we the KNLA have laid down our position based on our long standing principles, as follows.

  1. The Bamah Tatmadaw (Myanmar Armed Forces) shall not increase its troop strength and send in more weapons and ammunitions into the areas of our district/brigade areas.
  2. The Bamah Tatmadaw shall close some of the frontline camps.
  3. In order to avoid armed clashes between the two sides, the Bamah Tatmadaw troops shall travel in our KNU/KNLA areas only along the routes, designated by the KNU/KNLA.
  4. For some reasons, if the Bamah Tatmadaw troops need to travel within the KNU/KNLA areas, they shall contact and inform the respective KNU/KNLA authorities.
  5. The Bamah Tatmadaw or government authorities shall not prevent, limit or harass the travel movements and organizing activities of the KNLA troops, in the administrative areas of the KNU.
  6. In order not to affect the peace process, the Bamah government authorities shall not perform administrative and judicial activities in the KNU administrative areas.

We, the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), hereby expressly declare that we shall never accept the transformation of the KNLA into the Border Guard Force or Civil Police but shall remain as the Karen National Liberation Army.

Contact: (+66) 89-9575121


General Headquarters

Karen National Liberation Army