Kachinland News | November 1, 2016
Several abuses and rights violations committed this month by Burmese army soldiers have been reported by local residents in Kachin and northern Shan State.
Christian ministers from different denominations have been arrested and interrogated by Burmese army troops in Putao on charges related to 49 young men and women from their congregation who were detained 11th of this month by police and military intelligence officers at Loi Je. One minister from Assembly of God Church and a church elder, named Lawaw Bawk Naw, were arrested by Burmese Army officers in Nawng Hkang village in Putao on Oct 23. Local baptist church and AG church members said they are living under fear of arrest and detention.
On Oct 23, a young man named Lagwi Yaw Zung was arrested, tied with rope and interrogated by Burmese troops after a battle broke out between KIA’s 36th Battalion troops and Burmese army troops under 99th Light Infantry Division near Mung Baw in northern Shan State. Lagwi Yaw Zung is just an ordinary Mung Baw villager who happened to pass by Burmese army’s temporary camp on that evening. His whereabouts is still unknown.
U Tin Tun, a 54-year-old carpenter, died reportedly after interrogation by Burmese soldiers on Oct 23 at around 5:30 am in Nam Ya in Kachin State. U Tin Tun and two other friends were on their way home after having a drink when they encountered Burmese soldiers on Oct 22 at around 2 am. U Tin Tun was stopped by the soldiers while his friends fled. He was detained at the Burmese military base that night and a village elder came early next morning and get him out of detention. But he died the next morning at a friend’s house, reported a local source.
Zinghang Bawk, a 72-year-old villager, was shot by Burmese army soldiers at his own house in Bri Bra village, located near Shwe Nyaung Pin on Myitkyina-Bhamo road on Oct 19. Local sources said Burmese soldiers randomly fired into the village after they heard two explosions near 321st Light Infantry Regiment’s base in Shwe Nyaung Pin on Oct 19 at around 4 pm. Zinghang Bawk was shot in the chin and ear, and later taken to a military hospital at Myitkyina by Burmese soldiers.
On Oct 17, Burmese army soldiers entered the homes of La Tawng (30) and Ma La (23) and arrested them on charges of aiding and providing food to an alliance of ethnic armed groups in Loi Seng village in Mung Si village tract, northern Shan State.
Burmese army troops under 99th Light Infantry Division fired six artillery rounds into Puwang village in Hpawng Seng village tract in Muse Township killing Two-year-old Zung Myaw and seriously injuring Lagwi Bawm Lang (6) and Lagwi Ting Kyang (5) on Oct 1.
This article originally appeared on Kachinland News on October 26, 2016.