Burma Link AOCs / December 10, 2014

Last week, Burma Link successfully completed the 4th AOC (Agents of Change) Leadership Program at Thoo Mweh Khee Migrant Learning Centre on the Thailand-Burma border, with ten promising and motivated young Karen leaders. The 6-day training aimed at developing essential life and leadership skills like confidence, honesty and courage, responsible citizenship, and the ability to effectively deal with others. The trainees also learned how to help their community members value their voice and have their voices heard.

This is what five of the training participants, now AOCs, wrote about their experience and feelings.


“AOC stands for Agent of Change, it helps people’s voices to be heard to the world, from Burma. This is one of the best ways for people from Burma. It helps young generation and teaches us the qualities of empower leader for our own community. I have learned many things from this training like courage, honesty and the basic abilities of a good leader. I get more strength to be a generous leader for my community, my people and my country to help to become a better community and country.”

–          Naw Eh


“AOC training made me more powerful, courageous, and honest. To be a good member of community, while we live together and work together. To be responsible citizen of Burma and find out the truth story of Burma. How to be a good leader in the future and help other people in Burma and our community.”

–          Aung Kyaw Oo


“It’s awesome that I have done AOC training. I have learnt many things from this training and I understood how can we communicate, cooperate, contact and interview. I found the correct way how to interview the people and take a photo. I’m very proud of them who came to teach us training. I am hopeful that my future will be helpful for my people.”

–          Saw jack


“I love AOC training and all the target and purpose of AOC. AOC changed my habit and woke me up from apathy. AOC changed my lazy heart to be proactive and open minded. I got some power and some systematization that can be benefit for the future. I know how to be an ethical person, how to change my society and how to participate, communicate with others. Thanks AOC, thanks for your kindness and your moral courage. I promise, I will be active and ethical person. I am going to remember what I have done.”

–          JB Lucky


“At the first day, I was very excited with the introduction when we started it was more interesting than I expected. After learning the qualities of empower leader I felt completely as a leader. I was able to express the way I am and wouldn’t care what the people will think of me. I also became stronger to try hard for my GED course. Moreover, I learnt how to work and cooperate as a group member. I also learnt the importance of storytelling, not only learning emotional skills but I got practical skills like interviewing. Finally I want to say that I am very satisfied to spend time with this training and glad to be a member of them

[AOC Network].”

–          Hae Htoo Wah



Note from Burma Link editor:

We believe that cultivating effective local leadership is the determining factor for positive change. Burma Link’s AOC (Agents of Change) Leadership Network is building a leadership network model to empower young leaders (AOCs). AOCs learn to develop all the essential qualities that empowered persons and leaders have, and also skills and tools to help break silence in their communities through promoting the sharing of information, stories, and life experiences with local and global communities.[justified_image_grid ids=”7503,7509,7505,7500,7501,7508,7502,7506,7510,7507,7504″ title_field=off caption_field=off caption=off mobile_caption=off]