Karen Peace Support Network (KPSN) | March 9, 2018

On Sunday, March 4th, 6 Burma Army battalions comprising over 600 soldiers began invading the peaceful villages of Indigenous Karen people in northern Mutraw (Hpapun) District, Karen State. This area is covered by the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) signed by the Karen National Union and the Burma Army. It is also part of the Salween Peace Park, a locally-driven initiative to build peace, protect villagers’ lands and forests, and promote Indigenous Karen culture.

The Burma Army soldiers violated the NCA by entering the territory of the Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) without obtaining prior permission, provoking armed clashes with KNLA soldiers. The invading Burma Army soldiers are currently occupying four locations: Htee Hsee Hta and Way Day Kyoh in Ler Mu Plaw area, and Paw Nah Kyoh and Wah Koh Day near Kay Bu village. Burma Army soldiers in Ler Mu Plaw have dug trenches and are reportedly calling for reinforcements. These are aggressive acts of war and are not a response to any actions of those living in the area.

As of March 8th, the Burma Army’s advances have forced over 1,500 villagers to flee from at least 15 villages in Ler Mu Plaw and Kay Bu village tracts. This is the largest forced displacement of civilians in Mutraw since the Karen National Union signed a bilateral ceasefire with the Burma Army in 2012. Villagers now fear that their homes will be ransacked and burned; Burmese soldiers have already shot two of the villagers’ buffalo. Displaced villagers are now facing a humanitarian crisis as they are running low on food and medicine.

According to reports, the Burma Army plans to expand its road system from Ler Mu Plaw to Kay Bu. Military roads in this part of Karen State are a source of great fear for local people, who have experienced decades of human rights abuses at the hands of the Burmese military. Roads allow the military to bring heavy weapons into Karen areas, and villagers are often in danger of being shot near these roads despite the ceasefire.

Even though the Burmese military has not withdrawn from the lands of Karen villagers in Mutraw District, local people have begun returning to areas such as Ler Mu Plaw since the ceasefire began. They have begun to rebuild their lives and their communities, culture, and ways of caring for their waters, lands, and forests. Local people are rebuilding their Indigenous customary land governance, and they have established numerous community forests.

The people of Mutraw are now working to establish the Salween Peace Park through bottom-up community consultations. However, rather than respecting this local contribution to the peace process, the Burma Army continues to promote violence and militarization within the boundaries of the Peace Park.

The Burma Army’s actions this week undermine trust in the peace process and cause immeasurable hardship for villagers. Villagers have told anyone who will listen that their highest priority is to live peacefully, free from fear. Indeed, the Salween Peace Park initiative is proof that the people of Mutraw truly desire peace and cooperation with whoever is willing to join them in protecting the natural and cultural heritage of their homeland. However, as long as the Burmese military continues to expand and entrench its positions in Karen territory, villagers will experience fear, insecurity, and threats to their lives, livelihoods, and culture. The military’s actions also preclude the safe return of Karen IDPs and refugees to their ancestral lands.

The Karen Peace Support Network demands:

1. Immediate withdrawal of Burma Army troops from new offensive positions and return of all troops to established Burma Army bases to de-escalate the situation.
2. An independent investigation by a third party, jointly agreed by both sides, into the actions of the Burma Army and a holding to account of those responsible.
3. An immediate cessation of all provocative actions by the Burma Army which threaten civilians and the peace process.
4. Humanitarian aid for IDPs must go through existing community-based organizations serving the region, rather than through the government or large international organizations based in central Burma.

Media contacts:

Naw K’Nyaw Paw : +66 (0) 81 029 5503 (Karen and English)

Saw Way Lay : +66 (0) 97 927 9738 (Karen, Burmese, and English)


Editorial Notes:

15 villages directly affected by the Burma Army’s advances: Htee Hsee Kee, Htee Bway Kee, Taw Koh Mu Der, Ter May Kee, Thay Thoo Kee, Kyaw Aye Kee, Ghee Thoo Kee, Htee Kheh Kee, Blaw Koh, Hee Gho Lo Der, Haw Ther Kee, Saw Mu Plaw, Ler Mu Plaw, Baw Nah Der, and Cho Ber Koh

Since the bilateral ceasefire was signed between the Karen National Union and Burma Army in 2012, KNU authorities have requested withdrawal of 17 Burma Army camps in Mutraw District to facilitate return of displaced villagers to their ancestral lands. Instead, between 2012 and 2015, the military established 16 new bases in Mutraw, bringing the total from 65 to 81, while reinforcing existing

The military’s actions have long term consequences for food security and prospects for refugee/IDP return. For example, the fertile plains of Ler Mu Plaw alone comprise over 900 acres of irrigated land capable of feeding over 4,000 people; if the new military road is built, much of this plain might once again be abandoned by villagers who are too afraid to live near soldiers who have attacked and abused them for decades.

The Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA), which was signed by the KNU in 2015, requires that both parties honor existing territories while peace negotiations continue, and it forbids acts of aggression, expansion of military infrastructure, and troop reinforcements in ceasefire areas. The Salween Peace Park is a community-based initiative that aims to make a concrete contribution to the peace process in Mutraw District. The initiative reflects the core aspirations of the Karen people: 1) peace and self-determination; 2) environmental integrity, and 3) cultural survival. To learn more about the Salween Peace Park, please see the informational brochure at the following link:

About the Karen Peace Support Network (KPSN)

KPSN (formerly KCBPSN) is the largest network of Karen civil society organizations in Burma. Its member organizations have been providing support for vulnerable people and communities in this conflict-torn region for decades, striving to empower local communities, build transparent and accountable institutions, and help create a sustainable peace in Burma. The network is dedicated to:

  • Raising awareness of the peace process and of human-rights issues among Karen communities
  • Building the capacity of communities to advocate for and realize their rights
  • Providing practical support for communities to create sustainable livelihoods and improve their quality of life
  • Supporting Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) and returnees
  • Monitoring the peace process
  • Facilitating consultation and advocacy for a sustainable and equitable peace in Burma

The following KPSN members officially endorse this statement:

Organization Acronym
1 Burma Issues BI
2 Back Pack Health Worker Team BPHWT
3 Karen Affairs Committee KAC
4 Karen Development Committee KDC
5 Karen Education Department KED
6 Karen Environmental and Social Action Network KESAN
7 Karen Human Rights Group KHRG
8 Karen Office for Relief and Development KORD
9 Karen Refugee Committee KRC
10 Karen Refugee Committee Education Entity KRCEE
11 Karen Rivers Watch KRW
12 Karen Student Network Group KSNG
13 Karen Teacher Working Group KTWG
14 Karen Women Empowerment Group KWEG
15 Karen Women Organization KWO
16 Karen Youth Organization KYO
17 Mae Tao Clinic MTC
18 Hsar Mu Htaw HMH
19 Hku Po Ka Paw HPKP
20 Karen Environment Network KEN
21 Youth Circle YC
22 Mutraw Community Development Committee MCDC
23 Taw Oo Development Committee TODC
24 Thwee Development Network TDN
25 Committee for Internally Displaced Karen People CIDKP

Download the statement (PDF) in English | Burmese

Download the event timeline (PDF) HERE

Download the map of the conflict area (PDF) HERE

Download the editorial notes (PDF) HERE