Statement on Prohibiting the Rescuing Mission of the Stranded IDPs in Kachin State by the Tatmadaw

Kachin Youth Demonstration Leading Committee | May 6, 2018 On 30th April. Public demonstration participated by over 8000 individuals demanded Kachin State Government to end the siege on Kachin IDPs who are caught in the locations of military operation. However, [...]

UN Security Council Must Act to End Ongoing Crimes Against Humanity in northern Burma

By Kachin Women's Association Thailand (KWAT) | May 4, 2018 We welcome the UNSC delegation’s historic visit to Burma from April 30 to May 1, 2018, which highlighted the large-scale displacement from northern Rakhine State, but we are disappointed [...]

Battles Took Place Twice Today Between TNLA and MT Troops

PSLF/TNLA News and Information Department | May 2, 2018 Today, May 2, battles took place between the TNLA and MT troops at two places, first at a location near TortSan village of Kyaukme Township, Bde-2 Area, Ta’ang State, and [...]

Humanitarian NGOs Call for Immediate Cessation of Hostilities, Protection of Civilians and Humanitarian Access in Kachin and Northern Shan, Myanmar

20 Humanitarian NGOs | May 2, 2018 As national and international NGOs operating in Kachin and northern Shan, Myanmar, we are deeply troubled by yet further escalation of armed conflict, including clashes directly impacting civilians throughout April and continuing [...]

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