“The ethnic people need to stand in unity. Especially, the EAOs need to stand firmly on the aim and expectation.” — Interview with KNU’s Former Vice-Chair Naw Zipporah Sein

By Banyar Aung / Mon News Agency / BNI Online | July 31, 2018 Banyar Aung, the editor of the Mon News Agency, interviewed Naw Zipporah Sein, spokesperson of the KNU Concerned Group and former vice-chair of the Karen [...]

2020-05-30T23:25:13+07:00August 1st, 2018|Featured Collection, Interviews, Recommended|

UN Security Council Members Must Refer Burma to the International Criminal Court

Karen Communities Worldwide | July 30, 2018 Karen communities worldwide join the call from Kachin and other ethnic people of Burma for the United Nations Security Council to refer Burma to the International Criminal Court. As long as members [...]

2020-05-30T23:25:16+07:00July 31st, 2018|Featured Collection, Press Releases and Statements, Recommended|

The Burmese Government Must Leam from the Dam Disaster in Laos

Burma Rivers Network | July 26, 2018 Burma Rivers Network is greatly saddened by the dam collapse in Laos and calls urgently on the Burrnese government to check the stability of existing large dams and stop construction of any [...]

2020-05-30T23:25:17+07:00July 30th, 2018|Featured Collection, Press Releases and Statements, Recommended|

Burma Army Tortures and Kills Six Female Medics, Continues Campaign Against Civilians

Free Burma Rangers (FBR) | July 26, 2018 Kachin State and Northern Shan State, Burma TNLA Medics Brutalized and Killed According to a Kachin Independence Army (KIA) report, the Burma Army captured, tortured, raped, and killed six Ta’ang National Liberation [...]

2020-05-30T23:25:18+07:00July 27th, 2018|Featured Collection, News, Recommended|

Burma Human Rights Guide

Burma Campaign UK / Human Rights Foundation | July 26, 2018 Burma has suffered under decades of brutal military dictatorships, military-backed governments and now an NLD-led government. It has long been considered one of the worst countries in the world for its [...]

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