Address of the 22nd Anniversary of KSNG

Karen Student Network Group (KSNG) | July 6, 2018 Dear all members of the Karen Student Network Group, This year, the Karen Student Network Group has turned 22 years old and is already a mature organization. Throughout the twenty [...]

Statement from Indigenous Karen Customary Land Kaw Seminar

Karen Indigenous People, Kawthoolei | June 28, 2018 The first Karen customary land Kaw seminar was organized by the Karen National Union (KNU) Central Land Committee in Ta May Hta Village, Pay Kay Village Tract, Luthaw Township, Mutraw District [...]

Joint Statement: The UN Must Establish a Mechanism Towards Accountability for Gross and Systematic Human Rights Violations in Myanmar

Asian Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM-ASIA) / Equality Myanmar / Progressive Voice / Smile Education and Development Foundation (SEDF) / Kachin Women's Association of Thailand (KWAT) / Rohingya Women Welfare Society (ROWWS) | June 28, 2018 Yesterday [...]

2020-05-30T23:26:19+07:00June 29th, 2018|Featured Collection, Press Releases and Statements, Recommended|
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