
August 2015

Strategic Opportunity Now for Ethnic Leadership of Burma

Tim Heinemann | August 5, 2015 The time has come for ethnic leaders of Burma to directly engage American leaders at all levels of public and private sector before it is too late. After listening [...]

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July 2015

Refugee Students Learn Life’s Lessons

Melanie Keyte / Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB) | 17 July 2015 Close to the Burmese-Thai border, young Karenni refugees study desperately to gain acceptance into universities worldwide. But with talks of repatriation echoing through the [...]

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“Partial Peace in Burma” Is the Recipe for Certain Failure

Tim Heinemann | July 10, 2015 This is in response to recent assertions about the goodness of “partial peace in Burma”.   Nothing could be further from the truth.   Reality:   The Government of Burma and its [...]

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This is Karen Land…We Have the Right To Stay…

As fighting continues between the Burma Army and Democratic Karen Benevolent Armies, the government has come under fire from a senior Karen General for trying to “shut down the DKBA.” […]

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May 2015

Burma’s Pro-Democracy Rebels – Stick to Your Guns!

Roland Watson / Dictator Watch, May 16, 2015 "Stick to your guns" is a well-known English saying. It means that you will not compromise. You will continue to demand what you both need and deserve, [...]

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Refugees Concerns Must be Addressed In Any Plans To Repatriate Them

Karen News | May 4, 2015 A paper released last week by Burma Link and Burma Partnership claims the voices of refugees are ignored in Burma’s reforms. The joint paper, Voices of Refugees – Situation [...]

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April 2015

The Lahu yearn for better education for their children

Ariana Zarleen / Mizzima, April 3, 2015 KYAINGTON, SHAN STATE – In the mountains of eastern Shan State, the Lahu are among the many ethnic groups who continue their traditional farming lifestyle in largely inaccessible [...]

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March 2015

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