
February 2015

Toward a More Perfect Union

Wai Yan Hpone / The Irrawaddy, February 12, 2015 I used to be proud of being a Bamar. In the early days of my life, I was overwhelmed with pride for our rich culture, civilization [...]

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The Reality and Future of Kachin IDPs in the State’s Capital City Myitkyina

By Katy Carlson In Burma, foreigners can expect many obstacles if they wish to investigate areas of conflict. In most cases, the government defines these places as restricted areas, keeping curious outsiders from witnessing the reality. In Myitkyina, it's different though. […]

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January 2015

Mon IDPs Concerned About Lack of Aid in Halockhani

This article was originally published on The Irrawaddy on January 20, 2015 Ariana Zarleen,  January 20, 2015 SANGKHLABURI, Thailand — Nestled between lush green mountain tops and surrounded by spectacular scenery, Halockhani has been a [...]

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Burma NCA Negotiation Update

Roland Watson / Dictator Watch, January 11, 2015 There is now a big push by Burma's military dictatorship and its ethnic nationality co-conspirators to sign a Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement on Union Day (February 12). But, [...]

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December 2014

**Generation Gap Widens in Thai Border Camps

Abby Seiff / Karen News, December 19, 2014 Twenty-year old Hla Ko* has an easy smile, a cool haircut and the manic energy of a young man with few ties. He studies medicine but adores [...]

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November 2014

October 2014

Accessible Education for Burma’s Ethnic Children – Would You Walk Four Hours to Go to School?

Ethnic Kayan children in the middle Kayan region inside Burma have to go through extreme lengths for their education – literally. These children spend four hours every day walking through the jungle just to be able to go to school. An inside source, asked to remain anonymous, told Burma Link that most of these Kayan students […]

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Time For A United, Modern KNU

Nant Bwa Bwa Phan, Nant Zoya Phan and Slone Phan / Karen News, October 13, 2014 It is no secret that there is division within the Karen nation about how we should respond to the political changes that have incurred in our country since 2011. Some see the ceasefire process as a genuine opportunity to start negotiations that could give the Karen people guaranteed rights. Others see it as a trap […]

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Replacing Impunity with Accountability

Following the apparent murder of a Karen National Liberation Army soldier, the Border Guard Force, a military organization under direct control of the Tatmadaw, launched an investigation into the incident and arrested five of its soldiers in relation to the case. KHRG recognizes this as a necessary first step in fulfilling their obligations […]

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South Asian History Did Not Begin with the Indian Independence Act of 1947

South Asian history is an ancient history with its roots going as far back as 5000 BC. However by a tragic twist of political and historical events, this ancient history had been tempered with and even almost rewritten in the middle of the 20th century by the Colonial powers of Europe. In this turn of events, South Asian history was re-written to begin again from 1947. […]

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