
October 2014

KNU Decision to Withdraw from UNFC Undemocratic Claims Karen Women’s Organisation

Karen News, October 3, 2014 The Karen Women’s Organisation has criticized the decision by the Karen National Union to suspend its membership from the United Nationalities Federal Council last month, claiming the decision was made without proper consultation […]

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September 2014

The Burmese Army is Anathema to Peace, Democracy and Federalism

By Kanbawza Win / Kachinland News, September 29, 2014 The world should face the truth and say that the Tatmadaw does not want Peace, Democracy and Federalism. Instead it wants a thinly disguised pseudo democracy giving in exchange for the international community right to invest and start business. […]

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Karen Civil Society Rallies Around Japan’s Harmful Plans for Eastern Burma

Burma Partnership, September 16, 2014 Japan’s lofty development plans for eastern Burma were very publicly rejected by the Karen Peace Support Network (KPSN) at a press conference in Rangoon, citing lack of consultation with communities [...]

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Karen Women Urge KNU To Rejoin UNFC

Saw Tun Lin / Karen News, September 10, 2014 A Karen women’s group based inside Burma urged the Karen National Union (KNU) to rejoin the ethnic alliance, as its recent action to suspend its membership [...]

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Ceasefire Negotiation Leverage in Burma

Rolan Watson / Dictator Watch, September 9, 2014 The ethnic nationalities of Burma want a federal democracy. This is the only way they can ensure that their people will be free, and with the right to self-determination. […]

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August 2014

September 2014

‘I Am Really Worried About Our Country’s Future’

Jessica Mudditt / Mizzima, September 21, 2014 Former political prisoner Nay Phone Latt, 34, is the secretary of PEN Myanmar and executive director of the advocacy group, Myanmar ICT Development Organization (MIDO), which he founded in February 2012. In April he launched the anti-hate speech movement panzagar […]

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June 2014

Three Years of Suffering for the Kachin People, How Much Longer?

Burma Partnership, June 17, 2014 As we pass the marking of the third year of the conflict in Kachin and northern Shan State between the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and the Burma Army, it is [...]

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“I Want To Go To School, But I Need To Help Mum…”

Karen News, June 12, 2014 Child migrant workers in the Thai-Burma border town of Mae Sot struggle to earn enough to survive, working in dirty, difficult and dangerous work, many miss out on an education [...]

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