
May 2014

Burma Census and Ceasefire Update

Roland Watson / Dictator Watch, May 10, 2014 An event of truly historical significance is now underway in Burma, but it is receiving scant attention. This is the census of the nation's population, potentially the [...]

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Aid Should Support the People, Not the Government

Zoya Phan / Mizzima, May 11, 2014 There are many different opinions on the nature of reforms in [Myanmar] in recent years. It is doubtful that the reforms are part of a genuine move towards [...]

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April 2014

The Rapist Burmese Army

By Kanbawza Win A seven year old girl raped by the Burmese army ‘Tatmadaw’ soldier was no news for the tyrannical Burmese army. They have been doing this for more than half a century, which [...]

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U Win Tin (1929- 2014), Burma’s moral compass

Alex Bookbinder / DVB, April 21, 2014 U Win Tin, a founding member of the National League for Democracy (NLD) and a prominent journalist whose political activities and writings served as a thorn in the [...]

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Facilitating Hate from the Highest Levels of Power

By Burma Partnership, April 1, 2014 The situation in Arakan State is deteriorating rapidly as extremist monks continue to spread hate speech and incite violence against the Muslim community with impunity. With the upcoming census [...]

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March 2014

Tatmadawmen: You Know

By Moegyo, March 27, 2014 Men of the Tatmadaw, I come before you today, this the 69th Anniversary Armed Forces Day, to speak of matters of honor and respect. Throughout the history of Myanmar, our [...]

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European Burma Network Joins Calls to Postpone Census

Karen News, March 20, 2014 The European Burma Network has added its voice to a large and growing coalition of political, humanitarian and community organisations calling on Burma’s government to postpone the country’s national census [...]

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Burma: Surrender Timing

Roland Watson / Dictator Watch, March 16, 2014 There is now a desperate push by Burma's military dictatorship, including one of its public faces, the Myanmar Peace Center (MPC), and also ethnic traitors, to complete [...]

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February 2014

Govt Must Show ‘Sincerity’ in Peace Dialogue

Saw Lindsay / Karen News, February 7, 2014 General Ner Dah Mya, head of the Karen National Defence Organisation (KNDO) has called for Burma’s government to “show sincerity” and commit to a ‘sincere peace’ process. [...]

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January 2014

Myanmar’s Minorities Face Multi-Faced Jeopardy

Tim Heinemann, January 27, 2014 The international community, whose Western representatives so readily flock to Myanmar in both good will and selfish interest, is often an unwitting contributor to the country's persistent instability. This will [...]

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