
September 2016

Mae La Oon Refugee Camp: Living in Limbo

Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB) | September 5, 2016 When Saw Eh Doh Moo fled to Thailand during an outbreak of fighting in his village, he wasn’t scared — but he was exhausted and hungry. “I [...]

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July 2016

How to Build a Bottom-up Federal Union

By Moe Gyo / Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB) | July 29, 2016 Federalism has been posited as one of the solutions toward resolving the ethnic conflict in Burma and achieving long sought sustainable peace. [...]

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June 2016

Aung San Suu Kyi Refuses to Publish Ethnic Census Results

By Roland Watson, Dictator Watch | June 1, 2016 The Myanmar Times has a report today on the long-delayed religion and ethnic population breakdowns from the 2014 Burma national census. According to U Myint Kyaing, [...]

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Tripartite Dialogue Revisited or Shifting Alliance?

Sai Wansai / Shan Herald Agency for News (SHAN) | May 31, 2016 The Aung San Suu Kyi-headed Union Peace Dialogue Joint Committee (UPDJC), which is made up of Union Government, Ethnic Armed Organizations (EAOs) [...]

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May 2016

The Prospects for Peace

By Roland Watson, Dictator Watch | May 24, 2016 There have been a number of significant events in Burma in the last two weeks. However, it is difficult to discern how they might come together [...]

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Only De-Escalation of the War Could Pave Way for Reconciliation

Opinon article by Sai Wansai, Shan Herald Agency for News (S.H.A.N.) | May 19, 2016 Burma Army is sending a clear message of “ethnic resistance forces annihilation stance aimed at derailing the Daw Aung San Suu [...]

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