
May 2016

Have Ethnic Groups Lost Faith in the NLD?

By Nang Seng Nom / The Irrawaddy | May 14, 2016 The Shan Nationalities League for Democracy (SNLD) stood by Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy (NLD) for many years in its opposition to the [...]

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How the NLD Can Fulfill Its Promise of Peace

By Bertil Lintner/The Irrawaddy | May 6, 2016 Burma’s new government has declared that finding a solution to the country’s decades-long civil war is one of its top priorities. That is clearly in line with [...]

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April 2016

A New Burma Peace Process

By Roland Watson, Dictatorwatch | April 13, 2016 The National League for Democracy now has legitimate government power. Its agenda will soon turn to resolving the civil war that has plagued Burma for over sixty-five [...]

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February 2016

Racism in Burma

By Roland Watson, Dictatorwatch | February 2, 2016 Aung San Suu Kyi and the National League for Democracy have now taken over the government of Burma - at least those parts not reserved for the [...]

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