Press Releases and Statements2020-05-30T23:17:13+07:00

The Report on the Process of Collecting the Voices of Karenni Women and Policy Brief for Peace Process

March 8th, 2017|

Karenni National Women's Organization | March 8, 2017 In August 2016, the Karenni National Women’s Organization (KNWO) conducted awareness training for its own staff and partners to promote women’s participation in the peace process. After [...]

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Refugee Youth Must Have the Opportunity to Participate in Burma’s Transition

February 22nd, 2017|

[Yangon, 22 February 2017] – Today, Burma Link, Karen Student Network Group (KSNG) and Karen Youth Organisation (KYO) launch a documentary, “Unrecognised Leaders, Tomorrow’s Hope: Raising the Voices of Forgotten Youth.” The documentary amplifies the [...]

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International Organizations Urge Burma / Myanmar Govt: Stop the Hate

February 10th, 2017|

Joint statement by 34 international organizations | February 10, 2017 For release on Fri 10 Feb 2017: Thirty-four international, regional and national organisations working in solidarity for human rights and democracy in Burma/Myanmar have signed [...]

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ND-Burma 2016 Report Finds Dramatic Increase in Human Rights Violations

February 9th, 2017|

Network for Human Rights Documentation-Burma (ND-Burma) | February 8, 2017 ND-Burma today releases its 2016 report on the human rights situation in Burma/Myanmar, which shows a dramatic increase in the number of human rights violations [...]

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Chin Party Issues Statement on National-Level Political Dialogue

February 9th, 2017|

By Aung Ko Oo / Mizzima | February 9, 2017 The Chin National Democratic Party (CNDP) Secretary Salai Ceu O Bik Thawng has told Mizzima that their party issued a Statement on February 8 regarding [...]

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Statement from Karen Women’s Movement – Second Karen Women’s Seminar

February 8th, 2017|

Statement from Karen Women's Movement | February 6, 2017 In order to strengthen Karen women’s rights and the women’s movement across Karen communities, Karen Women Organization organized and held the second Karen Women’s Seminar in [...]

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Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’s Trend of Silence

February 6th, 2017|

By Lawi Weng / The Irrawaddy | February 4, 2017 State Counselor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi has remained noticeably silent regarding the death of National League for Democracy (NLD) legal advisor U Ko Ni, [...]

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Statement by the Arakan National Council (ANC): The Assassination of U Ko Ni

February 3rd, 2017|

Arakan National Council (ANC) | February 2, 2017 We, Arakan National Council, believe that behind the assassination of U Ko Ni, who is the Lawyer at Burmese Supreme Court and Legal Advisor to the National League for [...]

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