Press Releases and Statements2020-05-30T23:17:13+07:00

Rohingya Condemn Assassination of U Ko Ni and Call for Urgent Investigation

February 3rd, 2017|

Arakan Rohingya National Organisation (ARNO) Joint Statement | January 30, 2017 We, the undersigned Rohingya organisations worldwide strongly condemn the assassination of U Ko Ni, 65, a high profile Muslim leader and legal advisor of [...]

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Karen National Defense Organization: Statement on Karen Revolution Day

January 31st, 2017|

Karen National Defense Organization (KNDO) | January 31, 2017 General Headquarters, Kawthoolei 1. Today, January 31, 2017 is the 68th Anniversary of Karen Revolution Day, which may be termed more precisely as the Karen Revolutionary Resistance Day. [...]

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Central Executive Committee Emergency Meeting Statement

January 30th, 2017|

Statement by United Nationalities Federal Council (UNFC) | January 27, 2017 The United Nationalities Federal Council (UNFC) Central Executive Committee emergency meeting was held from January 23 to 25, 2017 at a location on the [...]

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Current Humanitarian Situation Update in Kachin State, 25th January 2017

January 27th, 2017|

Joint Strategy Team | January 25, 2017 Intense fighting continues in Kachin State between the Myanmar Government Armed Forces (Tatmadaw)and the Kachin Independence Army (KIA).  Recent fighting in late December 2016 and early January 2017 [...]

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KESAN Press Release – Conserving Protected Indigenous Karen Landscape

January 10th, 2017|

Press Release by Karen Environmental and Social Action Network (KESAN) | January 9, 2017 MUTRAW DISTRICT, Karen State, Myanmar – The Salween Peace Park, an indigenous Karen landscape conservation initiative dedicated to the conservation of [...]

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Naga National Council Statement: The Nagas Outrageously Rejected Fencing

January 9th, 2017|

Statement by Naga National Council (NNC) | January 6, 2017 The Nagas had been living in this land “Nagaland” since thousands of years. The Nagas knew nothing about Burmans and Indians and neither did the [...]

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Investigation Commission of Myanmar Indulges in Falsehood Again

December 19th, 2016|

Joint Statement by Arakan Rohingya National Organisation (ARNO) with 16 organisations | December 18, 2016 We, the undersigned Rohingya organisations worldwide, strongly condemn the false and fabricated statement of the Government Investigation Commission, led by military appointed Vice-President [...]

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Tanintharyi Development Projects Must Not Proceed Without Transparency and Accountability

December 16th, 2016|

Press Statement by 313 Civil Society Organiszations | 14 December 2016 We, the undersigned civil society organizations working in Myanmar, are troubled to learn that a, Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed on 13 December 2016 between Noble [...]

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Clarification on In-Country Peace Building

December 13th, 2016|

Statement by the United Nationalities Federal Council (UNFC) | December 13, 2016 To inform the wider public, the United Nationalities Federal Council (UNFC) would like to clarify the situations regarding peace talks and military offensives on [...]

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Rohingya Thank Malaysia – Request to Promote UN Inquiry Next.

December 8th, 2016|

Joint Statment  by Burmese Rohingya Organisation UK (BROUK) with 13 other organisations | December 5, 2016 On behalf of Rohingya people worldwide, we, the undersigned Rohingya organizations, strongly express many thanks to the Malaysian Prime Minister [...]

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ARNO Rejects Government’s Investigation Commission

December 5th, 2016|

Press Release by Arakan Rohingya National Organisation (ARNO) | December 4, 2016 Arakan Rohingya National Organisation (ARNO) is strongly opposed to the government’s pretension and lack of honesty, and rejects the 13-member investigation commission formed [...]

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