Press Releases and Statements2020-05-30T23:17:13+07:00

Save The Salween Network Statement

February 22nd, 2016|

Statement by the Save the Salween Network | February 22, 2016 Plans to build dams on the Salween River, started by the previous military regime, have recently been accelerated by U Thein Sein’s government, which, [...]

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Statement of UNFC Council (Extended) Meeting

February 22nd, 2016|

Statement by the United Nationalities Federal Council (UNFC) | February 21, 2016 1. The UNFC (extended) council meeting was held successfully from February 18 to 21, 2016. The meeting reviewed various aspects of the current [...]

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HURFOM Convenes ‘Farmers and Land Users’ Seminar in Moulmein, Mon State

February 21st, 2016|

Update by the Human Rights Foundation of Monland (HURFOM) | February 21, 2016 On February 14 to 15, participants from 20 organisations attended a “Farmers and Land Users” seminar, organised by the Human Rights Foundation [...]

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On Union Day, Reappraisal of the Peace Process is Needed

February 12th, 2016|

Press release by Burma Partnership | February 12, 2016 [12 February, 2016] Today, on the 69th anniversary of the signing of the Panglong Agreement, it is time to review the failures of the recent peace [...]

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FBR Mission to Northern Papun (Muthraw) District, Karen State, Burma

January 20th, 2016|

Update by the Free Burma Rangers (FBR), Karen and Karenni States, Burma | January 20, 2016 Land of Green Mountains and Generous People Following the Free Burma Rangers (FBR) training the students travel with the [...]

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Justice Delayed, Justice Denied: New Report by KWAT and LAN

January 20th, 2016|

Press release by the Kachin Women’s Association Thailand (KWAT) and Legal Aid Network (LAN) | January 19, 2016 A new report exposes the systematic cover-up of the Myanmar Army’s involvement in the rape-murder of two [...]

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Fifty Third Anniversary of Ta’ang National Resistance Day

January 19th, 2016|

Position Statement of Palaung National Liberation Front (2/2016) | January 12, 2016 On January 12, 2016, the armed resistance against successive military dictatorships for liberation of the entire Ta’ang nationality has attained its 53rd anniversary. [...]

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Government Troops Attack Ta’ang Village in Lashio, Killing Two Villagers, One Mentally Disabled

January 18th, 2016|

Update by the Shan Human Rights Foundation (SHRF) | January 18, 2016 Government troops attack Ta’ang village in Lashio, killing two villagers, one mentally disabled, on Burma’s Independence Day. On January 4, 2016, Burma’s Independence [...]

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Karen New Year Message from International Karen Organisation

January 11th, 2016|

1st Thalay 2755: 10th January 2016 Dear Karen Brothers and Sisters, On this auspicious first day of the waxing moon of the month of Thlay, year 2755 of the Karen era, the International Karen Organisation [...]

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