Press Releases and Statements2020-05-30T23:17:13+07:00

Naypyidaw Must Immediately Stop Its Attacks in Central Shan State and Let Communities Return Home

November 6th, 2015|

Statement by Shan Community Based Organisations | November 6, 2015 Shan Community Based Organisations (CBOs) strongly denounce the current military offensive by Naypyidaw in central Shan State, which has caused civilian injury and displaced over [...]

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Naypyidaw’s Escalated Offensive in Central Shan State Displaces over 6,000

November 3rd, 2015|

Update by the Shan Human Rights Foundation | November 3, 2015 The SHRF strongly condemns the escalated attacks in the past week by the Burma Army against the Shan State Progress Party/Shan State Army (SSPP/SSA) [...]

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Myanmar Military Cronies and Thai Companies Must Immediately Suspend Illegal and Destructive Coal Mining at Ban Chaung, Dawei District

October 30th, 2015|

Press release | October 30, 2015 Despite plans by the Myanmar Ministry of Mines to investigate a controversial coal mining project in the remote Ban Chaung area of Dawei District, mining operations have resumed last [...]

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If Naypyidaw Wants Peace, It Must Stop Its Military Advances into Shan Ceasefire Territories

October 15th, 2015|

Statement by Shan Community Based Organisations | October 15, 2015 Shan Community Based Organisations (CBOs) are gravely concerned at the current offensive by Naypyidaw troops against Shan ceasefire territories in four townships of central Shan [...]

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KNLA Position with Regard to Ceasefire

October 14th, 2015|

Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA), General Headquarters, Kawthoolei | October 14, 2015 The Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) is a Karen national revolutionary resistance army formed by the Karen National Union (KNU) for the liberation [...]

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A Non-Inclusive Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement Will Not Bring Peace: Statement by the Women’s League of Burma

October 13th, 2015|

Statement by the Women’s League of Burma | October 13, 2015 The Women’s League of Burma (WLB) is gravely concerned that the government’s planned signing of the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) on October 15 with [...]

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Statement on New Mon State Party’s Stand on the All-Inclusive Policy

October 13th, 2015|

Statement by 22 Mon organisations | October 12, 2015 We, Mon communities in overseas, strongly support the New Mon State Party (NMSP) on its all-inclusive policy in signing the Nationwide Cease-fire Agreement (NCA). On September [...]

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KNDO Statement on NCA

October 12th, 2015|

Karen National Defense Organization (KNDO), General Headquarters Kawthoolei | October 12, 2015 The Karen National Defense Organization (KNDO) has closely followed the development regarding the peace process of Burma/Myanmar, starting with the call for nationwide [...]

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UNFC Statement on Tatmadaw Current Offensives in Ethnic Areas

October 12th, 2015|

Statement by the United Nationalities Federal Council (UNFC) | October 10, 2015 U Thein government is making preparations for holding a grand ceremony of signing the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) with 8 organizations, in Naypyidaw [...]

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Institutional and Structural Governance Reforms Must Go Hand-in-hand With the 2015 Elections to Achieve Ethnic Equality

October 9th, 2015|

Press release by Burma Partnership | October 9, 2015 [Rangoon – 9 October 2015] As Burma prepares for the much anticipated 2015 elections, what must not be forgotten is the much needed fundamental, structural and [...]

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Kawthoolei Armed Forces Disagrees about the NCA Signing

October 9th, 2015|

Statement by Kawthoolei Armed Forces (KAF) | October 8, 2015 KAF disagrees with the 3 Karen groups, KNU, DKBA, and KNU/KNLA PC as representing ALL Karen when signing the NCA with the Burmese with their [...]

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