Press Releases and Statements2020-05-30T23:17:13+07:00

Communities in Shan State Call for Immediate Halt to Large Dams

March 13th, 2015|

We, the communities in Shan State, are calling for the Burmese government and foreign dam developers to immediately stop their plans to build over 20 new large dams in Shan State. […]

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Karen Women in British Parliament: Continue Humanitarian Assistance for Refugees and IDPs

March 11th, 2015|

The Karen Women’s Organization has successfully completed a lobbying trip to the United Kingdom between 23-28 February 2015, to raise issues of refugees and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) as well as the political situation in Karen areas and women in Burma. […]

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UNFC Statement Regarding Violent Crackdown on Democratic Education Movement

March 10th, 2015|

Statement by the United Nationalities Federal Council, March 8, 2015 1. The United Nationalities Federal Council strongly condemns the violent attacks, repression, and arrest of students and civilians who demonstrated peacefully for the amendment of [...]

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Karen Women’s Organization’s Statement in Honor of International Women’s Day

March 9th, 2015|

The 8th of March commemorates International Women's Day. The Karen Women's Organization (KWO) joins women around the world in celebrating the achievements and lives of women. Today in 2015 we make three demands of the Government of Burma and one plea to the International community. […]

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Statement of KNU on Peaceful March to Yangon of Campaigners for Democratic Education

March 5th, 2015|

Karen National Union Supreme Headquarters, Kawthoolei, March 5, 2015 1. The Karen National Union (KNU) fully supports the Bill titled “Amendment to the National Education Law” submitted to the Parliament on February 16, 2015, through [...]

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Kokang, Ta’ang, and Arakan Armies: Position Statement on Cold-blooded Offensives by the Burma Army

March 3rd, 2015|

Position statement by the MNDAA, TNLA, and AA, March 1, 2015 1. Using fighter planes, tanks and armored cars, Myanmar Tatmadaw (Army) has launched offensives against our ethnic armed resistance organizations in Kokang, Ta’ang etc. [...]

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Palaung (Ta’ang) Statement for Reduction-Cessation of Battles between Two Sides in Ta’ang Region

February 24th, 2015|

Statement of Palaung State Liberation Front (PSLF) for Reduction-Cessation of Battles between Two Sides in Ta’ang Region - As a result of increasing the number of armed forces and military offensives by the Myanmar government’s Tatmadaw in the Ta’ang nationality’s land, comprising of Namtsan, Mantong, Kyaukme, Thibaw, Namtu, Lashio, Mogok, Momeik, Theinni, Kutkai, Museh, Namkham Townships etc. and Ta’ang villages in Kokang Region […]

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UNFC Statement on the Fighting in Kokang Region

February 22nd, 2015|

Press statement by the United Nationalities Federal Council (UNFC), February 21, 2015 The Kokang ethnic is included as one ethnic nationality in the official listing of ethnic nationalities in the Union of Burma. The Kokang [...]

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Forced to Flee: Visual Stories by Refugee Youth from Burma

February 22nd, 2015|

Bearing witness to the real-life stories of children forced to flee violent conflict and persecution in their native land, Forced to Flee: Visual Stories by Refugee Youth from Burma, edited by Erika Berg, illustrates how a single narrative image can tell the story of a thousand words while building bridges of understanding. […]

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International Karen Organization: KNU’s “Deed of Commitment” Misuse of Authority

February 21st, 2015|

IKO’s stance on Statement released by KNU on February 16, 2015. No. 4/2015 – February 21, 2015 It is learned that KNU Central Standing Committee convened a meeting in the first week of February in order not to be entrapped by the afore planned political snare of the quasi-military U Thein Sein’s government on February 12 bogus Union Day. […]

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