Press Releases and Statements2020-05-30T23:17:13+07:00

Rangers Help Lead Villagers to Safety as Burma Army Enters Nam Lim Pa IDP Camp, Takes Rice Rations and Fires at Villagers

December 13th, 2013|

Free Burma Rangers, 11 December 2013, Mansi Township, Kachin State, Burma

On 21 November 2013, Burma Army soldiers from Battalion 47, 56, 240, 276, and 319 – all under the command of Military Operations Command (MOC) 21 – were transporting and storing arms and ammunition at the Nam Lim Pa clinic.

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Message for International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

November 28th, 2013|

Karen Women’s Organization (KWO), November 25, 2013 On this day, 25th November 2013, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, KWO is launching a 16-Day Campaign calling for the [...]

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A Global Campaign to Reform Burma’s Constitution

November 28th, 2013|

Go to Use Your Liberty campaign on Indiegogo A Global Campaign (with film and book) to Reform Burma’s Constitution that Enshrines Dictatorship Vancouver, BC, Canada (November, 18, 2013) American investigative journalist Alan Clements recently returned [...]

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UNFC Statement on Current Situation

November 13th, 2013|

United Nationalities Federal Council (UNFC), November 12, 2013 1. The UNFC puts on record and honors the Laiza Conference of the Ethnic Armed Resistance Organizations, sponsored by the KIO, a member organization [...]

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Burma Army Attacks Kachin Villagers; Rapes of 15-Year-Old Kachin Girl and 29-year-old Kachin Mother

November 9th, 2013|

Free Burma Rangers, November 7, 2013, Kachin State, Burma

In This Report: Attacks in Mung Ding Pa and Nam Lim Pa, with hundreds of new IDPs held hostage in a church; Rape of 15-year-old Kachin Girl; Summary of Burma Army Attacks and Activity in Kachin State in October; Kachin mother raped; 2 children injured during attack on 15 October.

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Burmese Army atrocities in Kachin State undermining the peace process

November 1st, 2013|

Kachin Women’s Association Thailand (KWAT), October 31, 2013 New documentation by the Kachin Women’s Association Thailand (KWAT) exposes recent atrocities by Burmese government troops against Kachin civilians, despite ongoing peace negotiations. KWAT’s [...]

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Burmese Army Attack and Loot Kachin IDP Camps

October 25th, 2013|

Kachin National Organization, October 23, 2013 On the morning of Tuesday 22nd October, the Burmese Army launched an offensive at Namlim Pa and Mung Ding Pa village tracts in Mansi Township, Southern Kachin [...]

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Statement by the Karenni Civil Society Network (KCSN) on land and natural resource management

October 24th, 2013|

Karenni Civil Society Network (KCSN), October 23, 2013

The Karenni Civil Society Network (KCSN) organized a workshop on land and natural resource management on 18-20 October, 2013 at a location on the Thai-Karenni border. 48 participants from 16 local civil society groups attended the workshop and agreed to the following points:

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56 political prisoners freed in 12th Presidential release

October 11th, 2013|

Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (Burma), October 9, 2013 Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (Burma) welcomes the October 8th release of 56 political prisoners. It is essential to continue to recognize the [...]

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