Press Releases and Statements2020-05-30T23:17:13+07:00

Burma Army fires shells at Shan ceasefire group in Namtu, injuring a woman farmer, then forces her husband to be their guide

August 31st, 2013|

Shan Human Rights Foundation, August 28, 2013 A woman working on her corn farm in Namtu township, northern Shan State, was wounded by shrapnel from a Burmese government mortar shell during fighting [...]

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US Government Must Ensure US Investors Abide by Reporting Requirements

August 17th, 2013|

Burma Campaign UK, August 12, 2013 26 ORGANIZATIONS EXPRESS STRONG CONCERN ABOUT SERIOUS INFORMATIONAL GAPS IN REPORTS FROM U.S. COMPANIES INVESTING IN BURMA (Washington, D.C.) — Today, August 12, 2013, twenty-six organizations [...]

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Statement of the Ethnic Nationality Conference

August 14th, 2013|

United Nationalities Federal Council (UNFC), August 2, 2013 1. Under the aegis of the UNFC, an Ethnic Nationality Conference was held from July 29 to 31 at a certain place in the [...]

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Shan community groups fear signs of premature refugee repatriation

August 10th, 2013|

Shan Community Organizations, August 9, 2013 Shan community groups are concerned at signs that Burmese authorities are preparing to repatriate Shan refugees from a camp in northern Thailand, even though there is no guarantee for [...]

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Conflict and Violence in Rakhine State, Myanmar

August 2nd, 2013|

Arakan Human Rights and Development Organization (AHRDO), August 1, 2013 The violent conflict in Arakan is shrouded by history, and historic claims, and is misidentified and therefore misunderstood by many. And, with [...]

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73 Prisoners Freed in Latest Presidential Release

July 27th, 2013|

Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (Burma), July 24, 2013 Assistance Association for Political Prisoners (Burma) welcomes the 23rd July release of seventy-three prisoners from prisons across Burma. AAPP (B) will seek to [...]

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Cameron Should Demand Thein Sein Withdraw Soldiers From Ethnic States

July 20th, 2013|

Karen Community Association UK, July 15, 2013 Human rights training for Burmese Army won’t work The Karen Community Association UK ( KCA UK ) today calls on Prime Minister David Cameron to [...]

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Thein Sein In His Own Words

July 13th, 2013|

Burma Campaign UK, July 12, 2013 Burma Briefing No. 27 This briefing provides revealing quotes, past and present, from Burma’s President Thein Sein. There is a growing disparity between the words of [...]

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Burma non-compliant in implementing plan to end child soldier recruitment

July 5th, 2013|

Statement by 33 organisations, June 27, 2013 Burma Non-compliant in Implementing Burma-UN Joint Action Plan on the Recruitment and Use of Child Soldiers On June 27, 2012, after nearly five years of [...]

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