Press Releases and Statements2020-05-30T23:17:13+07:00

Federalism is key to genuine peace – Statement by 60 organisations

June 13th, 2013|

Burma Campaign UK, June 7, 2013 60 Kachin community organisations and Burma campaign groups worldwide in 21 countries will take part in a Global Day of Action today to mark the 2nd [...]

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Security Risks for Kachin IDPs and Refugees

May 26th, 2013|

Free Burma Rangers, May 25, 2013, Kachin State, Burma

In This Report:

Summary of the major security threats for Kachin IDPs and refugees, Raw field reports from Kachin Rangers describing recent military clashes and Burma Army troop movement

In Kachin State there are still thousands of IDPs (Internally Displaced Person). Their displacement is the result of fighting that has continued since the breakdown of the ceasefire on 9 June 2011.

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Thein Sein and China must stop pipeline project to prevent escalation of conflict in northern Shan State

May 24th, 2013|

Shan CBOs, May 22, 2013 Shan community based groups warn that recent Burmese government army attacks in northern Shan State, causing displacement of over 3,000 villagers, are directly linked to China’s oil and gas pipelines, [...]

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Update of human right violations by the Burma Army during offensives in Palaung areas (March and April 2013)

May 8th, 2013|

Palaung Women’s Organization (PWO) and Ta’ang Student and Youth Organization (TSYO), May 6, 2013 Summary: Since January 2013, Burmese government troops have been carrying out military offensives in Palaung areas against the [...]

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UNFC Statement on EU Review of Sanctions on Burma

May 1st, 2013|

United Nationalities Federal Council, April 21, 2013 The United Nationalities Federal Council (UNFC) urges the European Union (EU) to maintain the current level of sanctions on Burma until the Government of Burma takes [...]

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Attacks Continue as the Burma Army Maneuvers in Kachin State

April 22nd, 2013|

Free Burma Rangers, April 13, 2013, Kachin State, Burma Below is a list of Burma Army activities in Kachin State and Northern Shan State in April, including attacks, troop movements and resupply [...]

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Free Burma Rangers Situation Update in Karen State

April 19th, 2013|

Free Burma Rangers, April 5, 2013, Karen State, Burma

In This Report

Forced Labor in Doo Tha Htoo and Doo Pla Ya districts; Burma Army makes improvements and additions to roads and camps in Karen State; Villages in Toungoo district flooded after the construction of the Toe Bo Dam; Flooding in Kler Lwee Htoo and Doo Pla Ya districts;

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