Karen Information Center / BNI Online | March 7, 2018

Hundreds of local residents from a village group in Lu Thraw Township under the Karen National Union (KNU)’s Mu Traw (Hpapun) District have fled after a skirmish broke out between the KNU and the Tatmadaw yesterday (March 6) afternoon, the KNU – Hpapun District confirmed to KIC News yesterday.

“We received news that the skirmish has ended just now. We don’t know the situation in details since we haven’t received the report yet, but it (the skirmish) took place,” said Padoh Saw Waw from Mu Traw District Standing Committee.

According to the KNU, the skirmish broke out after the Tatmadaw entered the KNU’s territory with a large number of forces under the pretense of road construction but they do not know the details on which Tatmadaw battalion was involved in the skirmish.

Padoh Saw Robin Mu, secretary of the KNU Mu Traw District, said local villagers from the area have fled for their safety due to the skirmish.

[The Tatmadaw] entered Lel Mu Plaw area with a large number of troops at 5 pm on the 5th this month. They have taken positions everywhere. The public is facing great difficulties. This place is the place where the villagers make their livings. This is the biggest difficulty faced by the villagers. That’s why they have to flee,” he told KIC News.

On condition of anonymity, a local school teacher said hundreds of people from Toe Ko Mu Dah, Gay Thu Khee, Jaw Aye Khee, Shoe Pal Kaw, Lel Mu Plaw, Lo Ko, Thar May Khee, Thay Thu Khee, and Bo Nah Dah villages under Lel Mu Plaw Village Group have fled since February 5.

“The Tatmadaw has surrounded the village. The villagers fled for their safety because they (the Tatmdaw) were shooting around with their guns. The Tatmadaw has currently set up camp at the village and told the Karen soldiers not to bother them since they will continue to build the road,” said the school teacher.

According to Padoh Saw Robin Mu, the KNU Brigade 5 Mu Traw (Hpapun) District has reported the incident to respective Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) headquarters, the central secretariat office, and respective districts to prevent unwanted problems from taking place.

When KIC News contacted the Karen State Security and Border Affairs Minister Col Myo Min Naung at around 5 pm today (March 6) to inquire about the skirmish, he said, “I haven’t received the details on the situation. I have only heard about it. I’m still investigating it now. I’m still asking about this issue to Hpapun.”

The KNU Brigade 5 said it has clashed four times with the Tatmadaw from January to February 2 this year.

The KNU is an ethnic armed organization which has signed the nationwide ceasefire agreement (NCA) on October 15, 2015.


This article originally appeared on BNI Online on March 7, 2018.