Karen National Union (KNU) | May 10, 2018

The KNU formed the Military Affairs Negotiation Team (MANT) with the intention of preventing confrontational situations in the implementation of the ceasefire agreement. The MANT has been entrusted to negotiate and consult with the Tatmadaw concerning matters of the military forces, in the ceasefire area.

Pursuant to the decision of Joint Monitoring Committee – Union Level (JMC – U), a meeting was to be held between our own military leaders (MANT), and Tatmadaw leaders on the 29-30 March 2018. The intent was to discuss the incidents that had taken place as a result of the Tatmadaw increasing their forces and sending in more troops, in connection with road construction in Kaybu and Lermuplaw zones, Brigade-5, Mudraw (Papun) District and others military related issues, starting from early March. However, the Tatmadaw postponed the meeting stating that the KNLA Brigade-5 commander was not included.

Starting from the 30 April 2018, the Tatmadaw has expanded their force by bringing in more troops. The Tatmadaw conducts patrols over rice fields, drainages, farms, and places of livelihood of the local populations. In addition, they have brought in more heavy plant machinery, without any consultation, and one-sidedly decided to carry out these activities. As a result, the local population are alarmed, and have once again fled, facing severe hardships. These military incidents illustrate total disregard for the NCA and demonstrate their lack of respect for the KNU as a dialogue partner. The KNU strongly protest against the activities of Tatmadaw as a violation of the NCA and the KNU Central Executive Committee issues the following position statement.

  1. The Karen National Union (KNU) profoundly believes that understanding and trust can be built only through the resolution of problems through peaceful negotiation and dialogue.
  2. During this peace-building period, it is necessary to avoid situations that will causemisunderstanding and distrust.
  3. We call upon the Tatmadaw to cease such activities including the increased presence of troops and road construction, as these activities are destroying trust.
  4. It is imperative that the two sides meet as soon as possible to discuss the situation in Mudraw (Papun) Region regarding military tension and armed clashes, as a result of the Tatmadaw sending in more battalions for road construction.
  5. If the Tatmadaw continues with their activities, they will be held solely responsible for the current situation.
  6. We, the KNU, issue this position statement, and solemnly declare that we are totally committed to peacefully resolve the historical problems of the last 70 years. We are committed to lasting peace based on the NCA through negotiation and dialogue in the peace process.

Download the Statement (PDF) in English