Burma News International (BNI) | December 8, 2016
The 16th Congress of the Karen National Union (KNU), which was originally scheduled for November before being postponed, will start on 14 March 2016.
The Congress Preparatory Committee Chairman and KNU General Secretary (1), Padoh Saw Thawthi Bwe, said that the KNU Central Executive Committee had confirmed the date during a meeting at Thay Bay Hta in the KNU district of Hpa-an on 3 December.
He said to KIC News: “The exact date for holding the congress has been set and was approved by 10 out of 11 Central Executive Committee members.”
A total of 175 people from seven KNU-controlled districts will attend the congress – 25 representatives and observers from each district. Representatives from other KNU departments will also attend. The number of representatives attending from each department will depend on the staff numbers of each department.
No decisions have yet been made about inviting representatives from local Karen political parties, social organisations and Karen communities abroad. According to the KNU the Invitation Committee will decide on whom to invite.
During the KNU Central Standing Committee Meeting, held in November, 10 committees, including the Congress Preparatory Committee, were formed to help organise the 16th Congress.
Reporting by S’Phan Shaung for KIC News
Translated by Thida Linn
Edited in English by Mark Inkey for BNI
This article originally appeared on BNI on December 8, 2016