Statement by the Naga National Council | July 4, 2016

The Nagas had been living as a free and independent people since time immemorial. Even in the British Colonial era, the Eastern Part of Nagaland had been left as free Nagas or un-administered areas. When the imminent withdrawal of the British from her South Asian Empire dawned, the Burmese people under the leadership of Gen. Aung San demanded independence from the British. But the Nagas under the leadership of the Naga National Council (NNC) firmly stood to remain an independent nation as in ancient times without joining either the Indian Union or the Burmese Union.

In those days, the Naga national stand was clearly made known to the Burmese leaders as well as the Indian leaders by the Naga leader A.Z. Phizo. The Nagas therefore, did not involve in the Panglong agreement of February 1947 nor signed to join the Indian Union. But in clear understanding with the neighboring countries (India, Burma), the Nagas declared their age-old Independence to the outside world on 14th August 1947 before India and Burma were granted independence by the British.

When the neighboring countries had disregarded the will of the Naga people and sent their Army to Nagaland in an attempt to invade Nagaland, the Naga had been relentlessly and tenaciously defending their sovereignty at all cost in the last nearly seventy years.

During the past nearly seventy years the Burman leaders had been obstinately rejecting to implement the Panglong Agreement despite the Ethnic people persistently demanded to implement it. The Nagas know nothing about it, as such if it was not for implementation why it was signed or why the Burman leaders consistently refused to implement it? And now also the Nagas don’t know why the Burman leaders are contemplating to nullify it again by convening a new Panglong Conference in this 21st century? As we don’t know it and did not involve in it from the beginning, the eastern Nagas have nothing to do with the Panglong Agreement or 21st Panglong Conference.

Therefore, if any Eastern Naga leaders get involved in the 21st Panglong Conference on behalf of the Eastern Naga people, their participation in the Conference will be deemed as an act of treason against the Naga nation.

     Dated                                                        W. Shapwon,

July 4, 2016,                                               Joint Secretary,

                                                               Naga National Council.