Press release by the Arakan Rohingya National Organisation (ARNO) | April 6, 2016

No change of attitude towards Muslims

We at Arakan Rohingya National Organisation (ARNO) have strongly condemned the NLD Religious Affairs Minister Thura U Aung Ko for making an unprincipled statement that Buddhists were full citizens and the majority of Myanmar’s Muslims were “associate citizens,” implying that those who practice Islam are classified as partial citizens or foreigners.

U Aung Ko’s comments in VOA interview on April 2 were very vindictive and injurious not only to the Muslims of the country but also to democratic society. His statement was inconsistent with international conventions, customs and practices. Not only had it rejected the long glorious history of Muslims in Myanmar but also violated the country’s existing law and constitution.

No citizenship is based on religion. It is the social and legal link between individuals and their democratic political community. U Aung Ko is liable for his irresponsible comments based on racism and Islamophobia.

We, therefore, demand that the government takes action against Minister U Aung Ko with immediate clarification.

For more details, please contact:

Nurul Islam: Mob: +44-7947854652
Ko Ko Linn: Mob: +880 1726068413

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