Mizzima | January 18, 2018

Police have filed charges under the Section 17 (1) of the Unlawful Association Law against Dr. Aye Maung and writer Wai Hin Aung, who gave a talk to mark the 233rd anniversary of the fall of the Rakhine Kingdom in Yathedaung Monday, state media reported.

The talk was organised by the May Yu Yin Thwe social service society at the Cedi Yingana Monastery in  Taungyintan Ward in Yathedaung Township from 1 pm to 3:15 pm. Speaking on the occasion, author Wai Hin Aung, also known as Aung Kyaw Win said, “Rakhine State has lost its sovereignty for 233 years, it means about five generations were away from sovereignty. Today, the AA (Arakan Army) armed group led by Tun Myat Naing are undertaking an armed struggle for regaining Rakhine State and Rakhine’s  sovereignty and to free them from servitude by Burma. All the people in Yathedaung Township have a duty for freedom from the servitude by Burmese. Today is the time when the government is in political crisis, and this situation brings good advantage to us. Also, the right time for us to take the armed struggle to gain our independence. All must participate in this struggle.”

Speaking at the same event, Dr. Aye Maung said, “Burmese people consider Rakhine people as slaves and do not give equal rights to us. There are only two ways to regain our sovereignty. Some are taking armed struggle.” Dr. Aye Maung urged the people to take advantage of the weakness of the government and to march towards the goal of sovereignty, the report said.


This article originally appeared on Mizzima on January 18, 2018