NDF, May 10, 2014

May 10, 2014 is the 38th anniversary of the founding and struggle of National Democratic Front (NDF), formed by the ethnic nationality resistance forces, for the realization of national equality and self-determination of all the nationalities of Burma/Myanmar and the establishment of a genuine Federal Union based on democracy. We pray for the end of all kinds of conflict in Burma, which is co-owned and inhabited by several nationalities.

We bow our heads in respect and put on record members of the nationalities, martyrs and heroic men and women, who have sacrificed their sweat, blood, hearth and homes, and resources, throughout years of resistance for liberation of the various nationalities. Moreover, we pray for all the officers and men, including the resistance leaders to be free from danger, who are continuing the struggle.

The settled system of rule by military dictatorship, resulting from the use of force to dominate fellow ethnic nationalities, in addition to impoverishing the country in all areas, has elevated the resistance by each and every oppressed nationality by various means, and the NDF would like to caution that embracing extreme nationalism by the oppressor, as well as the oppressed, is not a good development. The NDF views the weakening of internal unity, as a result, and the becoming of our country as the main target for regional countries to fulfil their needs for space, food security and energy resources is a serious situation threatening the very existence of Burma’s entire people of several nationalities.

For that reason, the NDF would like to urge all forces and individuals, who are involved in Burma’s affairs, to help and support the coordinated and concrete approach being made by leaders of the UPWC and UNFC/NCCT for the handling and resolution of Burma’s various predicaments. Moreover, the NDF would like to request seriously the Burma/Myanmar Tatmadaw (Myanmar armed forces):

1. To end immediately the armed conflicts taking place in the Kachin State and northern part of Shan State and to participate practically in the peace process;

2. To report on the development in peace building situation and difficulties to the people and the government officially, and abide by views and suggestions coming from quarters with different perspectives;

3. To take responsibility to prevent the harming of peace process and the development work for the people, resulting from the political dialogues.

“With the Aim of Building a Stable and Peaceful Federal Union”


Leading Committee
May 10, 2014
National Democratic Front

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