Statement by Kachin Alliance | June 9, 2015

Today marks the 4th anniversary of resumed war in Kachin region. Since the war resumed in 2011, countless numbers of civilians have been killed and about ten percent of entire Kachin population have been internally displaced. Despites putting the façade of a desire for peace, the Burmese government and its military continue to take actions which hinder the peace process and impede the goal to achieve a nationwide ceasefire. The Burmese army continues its large-scale offensives in northern Shan and Kachin States. The Burmese government continues to provide immunity to Burma Army enabling the military to commit human rights violations and use sexual violence as a weapon in conflict zones. No significant progress has been made in the case of the two Kachin Baptist teachers who were brutally raped and murdered in January, 2015. As in many cases before and after them, perpetrators are yet to be brought to justice.

Increased militarization in the areas, ground combats and aerial bombings, as recent as in late May, 2015,  has added over 20,000 internally displaced persons to already existing over 100,000 just in the Kachin region alone. Even though the number of IDPs is growing, the IDPs face more challenges today than before. Recent funding cuts have reduced their daily food ration to about 20 US cents creating a real threat of food shortage. In addition to limited availability of food and shelters, about 15,000 school-aged IDP children face with limited access to schools and educational opportunities.

To mark the 4th anniversary of resumed war, the members of Kachin community in the US reach out to their representatives and senators at the U.S. Congress to advocate for the rights of Kachin people and to seek an increased support for IDPs who are in dire need of humanitarian aid.

Along with 80 local and international civil society organizations, we request the Burmese government to put an immediate end to Burma military offensives in northern Shan and Kachin States and to allow unrestricted humanitarian assistance to internally displaced persons camps in the area. Additionally, we request the U.S government and international community to urge Burma to sign the NCA which includes code of conducts for all forces, protects the rights and security of IDPs and is witnessed by the international body.


For more information, please contact Kachin Alliance.


Gum San, President

Kachin Alliance

Phone: 1-202-500-5076     Email:


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