PSLF/TNLA | September 27, 2015

  1. The Burmese Army has increased its offensives in the Ta’ang regions, resulting in more clashes as we release this statement. We believe that these military offensives reflect the Burmese government’s lack of desire for an inclusive Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA). Additionally, it is our opinion that the government is trying to maneuver an electoral victory by citing armed conflicts, hence its continuous military operations. In order for the citizens to participate freely in the 2015 general elections, we have pledged to limit our military activities to self-defense purposes only and will avoid confrontation with the government’s troops as much as possible.

  3. PSLF/TNLA does not recognize the 2008 Constitution and therefore will not support the 2015 general elections. However, while we will not support or disrupt any political parties running for elections in the Ta’ang areas under our control, we will ensure that the constituents are able to participate in the elections freely and fairly. Political parties may freely campaign in the Ta’ang regions. However, we will not accept any campaigns that incite conflicts between ethnic groups in the regions and insult the dignity of the Ta’ang (Palaung) people.

  5. By imposing various restrictions to the inclusiveness of the EAOs in the signing of the NCA, the Burmese government and military have displayed their lack of interest to pursue genuine political dialogues after the signing of NCA. PSLF/TNLA supports the NCA, which is a result of negotiations, and will strive for the inclusive participation of all EAO members in the signing of the NCA. However, PSLF/TNLA will not sign the NCA by leaving out some of the EAOs members, whose plights we share.

Central Executive Committee

Palaung State Liberation Front – PSLF

Ta’ang National Liberation Army – TNLA

Contact: Burmese- (95)9 49314951၊ (86) 153 888 2328 ၊ English- (66) 82773

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