United Nationalities Federal Council (UNFC), August 2, 2013

1. Under the aegis of the UNFC, an Ethnic Nationality Conference was held from July 29 to 31 at a certain place in the liberated area.
2. There was a total of 122 delegates, representing the UNFC member organizations, 18 resistance organizations, the United Nationality Alliance, 4 political parties of the ethnic nationalities, youth organizations, women organizations, community-based organizations, the overseas ethnic nationality organizations, academics and active individuals.
3. The delegates freely discussed matters relating to the current situation in Burma/Myanmar, enhancement of the unity of the ethnic nationalities and establishment of a future, peaceful, prosperous and genuine Federal Union.
4. The historic conference, in unity, adopted the following important positions and decisions.
(a) To form the present Union of Burma/Myanmar into a Federal Union of national states and nationalities states, having national equality and self-determination;
(b) To practice federal democracy in this Federal Union;
(c) To form Federal Union Defense Forces that will defend the Federal Union from external dangers;
(d) The current 2008 Constitution practiced by U Thein Sein government is not accepted, as it is devoid of democratic essence and not in accordance with the principles of federalism. A new Constitution based on genuine federal principles will be drafted and promoted for practice;
(e) The UNFC and UNA will lead in drafting the new Constitution, and a drafting committee consisting of representatives from the democratic forces, women organizations, youth organizations, CBOs and other organizations will be formed, as part of the realization of the aim.
(f) In political dialogue and negotiation, the 6-point political program, laid down by the Ethnic Nationality Conference held in September 2012, will be followed. In political dialogue and negotiation, all the resistance organizations are to be represented as a bloc, and not individually.
5. After 3 days of meetings, the ethnic nationality delegates held meetings with representatives from eight democratic forces from inside and abroad, on August 1, and agreed to jointly carry out the common programs.
6. In meeting with the democratic forces, agreement was reached for the formation of a Bama/Myanmar state, with a view to expressing the equality of all the national groups in the country.
Saw David Tharckabaw: Phone – 0904567095
Col. Khun Okker: Phone – 0819502158