PSLF/TNLA | March 18, 2016

In early March 2016, the Burmese Tamadaw began sending enforcement including weaponries in the Ta’ang armed organization’s administration area and continues today. The Tamadaw gravely violated human rights at that area; 87 people were arrested, 5 people were beaten or tortured, 33 people were used as forced labor to bring weaponries, 20 houses were burnt, 5 villages were robbed, 4 villages were destroyed, and the Tamadaw fired their guns despite no ethnic armed forces in the village and 4 people were injured by the machine gun firing.

Crimes committed by the Tamadaw

(a) On March 6, 2016, the Burmese Tamadaw fired with M60, M80, and M105 in the village, where there are no ethnic armed forces, Daw Aye Tha was injured in the head by the Burmese machine guns. Moreover, the Tamadaw arbitrarily arrested twenty villagers of Ngaw-Ngar village, in Kut Kai; four villagers are still missing from their homes.

(b) On March 8, 2016, the Tamadaw cooperated with Pan Say militia group in Jayan village, Kut Kai Kai Township, and extorted the properties of villagers: took pigs and chickens, destroyed homes, and burnt the stored rice.

(c) On March 9, 2016, while the Tamadaw was shooting with the heavy weapon at the Man Pu village, Ma Aye Khain, 9 years old, was injured on her hand. Additionally, the Tamadaw forcefully took the property of villagers: valuables, paddy, and rice. The Tamadaw also burnt the remaining stored rice and arrested twelve innocent villagers of Kaung-Leing village, in Kut Kai township; those villagers are still not returned.

(d) On March 10, 2016, the Tamadaw burned 20 houses: 11 homes in Lwai-Kan village, 6 homes in Man-Sein village, and 3 homes in Pain-Bwin village, in Kut Kai. The Tamadaw arbitrarily arrested 6 innocent villagers: 2 people from A-Nugh-King village in Nam-Sam Township, and 4 people from Pan-Law village in Kyuat-Mae Township.

The Tamadaw took 33 innocent local people to bring weaponries as porter forced labour: 16 people from Pan-Law village, and 17 people from Kun-Sa-Lan, in Kyuat-Mae.

Furthermore, the Tamadaw soldiers tortured and beat U O Zar who is a local man. They stirred up the monastery and destroyed the property of villagers: 2

(1) 1.3 million Myanmar Kyat which is the cost of Mai Aung Lao’s shop.

(2) 6.7 million Myanmar kyat, which is the cost of Mai Tun Kyaw’s shop, Chairman of Pan Lao.

(3) 250,000 Myanmar kyat which is the cost of U Kyaw Moe’s property including 300,000 Kyat, and a CDMA phone.

(4) 700,000 Myanmar Kyat which is the cost of Mar A Swe’s earing and ring.

(5) 750,000 Kyat which is the cost of Daw Law Home’s property.

(6) 800,000 Kyat, Paw Aike Pe’s money was taken and;

(7) 900,000 Kyat which is the cost of U Kyaw Kyaw’s shop including 12 chickens and 350,000 Kyat which is the cost of U Lao Kaung’s shop.

(e) On March 13, 2016, the Tamadaw entered into the Sell Nay village and opened fired at the village; Ma E Khan, 17 years old, was shot in the back and U A Yai Lwan, 30 years old, was wounded by a gunshot to the thigh.

(f) On March 16, 2016, the Tamadaw arrested 64 innocent local people in Kyuakt-Mae Township: 49 people from Pa-Lin village, 5 people from Pan-Lone village, 5 people from Kyauk Phu, and 5 people from Kun-Sa-Lan village. Those 64 villagers have not been returned to their home yet.

According to the above information, it is clear that the Tamadaw targets more on the Ta’ang local people; many children and students have been arrested as well by the Tamadaw.

Information & News Department