New Report Critiques “Peace Support” Amidst Militarization in Karenni State

Press release by the Karenni Civil Society Network (KCSN), December 5, 2014 A new report by the Karenni Civil Society Network (KCSN) raises concerns about international “peace support” programming amidst increasing Burma Army militarization in Karenni State after the [...]

2014-12-08T07:34:25+07:00December 8th, 2014|Featured Collection, Press Releases and Statements, Recommended|

Australian Govt Cuts Dr Cynthia’s Funding

Karen News, November 6, 2013 Australian government aid money that has helped save the lives of thousands of people from Burma coming to Mae Tao Clinic, on the Thai-Burma border for critical treatment, is to stop. APHEDA the Australian [...]

2020-05-30T23:14:11+07:00November 6th, 2013|News, Recommended|

TBC – Ration Cuts Do Not Mean Early Repatriation

Karen News, September 23, 2013 A reduction in funding from international donors will see many of the tens of thousands of refugees living on the Thai Burma border getting less food to eat. In a media statement released on [...]

2020-05-30T23:14:28+07:00September 24th, 2013|News|

Dr. Cynthia Maung: How Foreign Donors Can Help Bring Peace to Burma

Eliza Villarino / Devex, August 29, 2013 Encouraged by Myanmar’s reform efforts, international donors have begun to shower the Asian country with aid. But not everyone appears to be benefiting from the growing interest of foreign investors. “Unfortunately, aid [...]

2020-05-30T23:14:37+07:00September 2nd, 2013|Articles|

Migrant Schools Face Closure Amid Funding Cuts

Naw Noreen / Democratic Voice of Burma, July 12, 2013 More than two dozen migrant schools in western Thailand face closure as international donors continue to slash funding for groups on the Thai-Burma border, a local NGO has warned. [...]

2020-05-30T23:15:06+07:00July 13th, 2013|News|

Karen Groups Concerned Cross-Border Humanitarian Aid Decreasing

Karen News, June 3, 2013 More than 150 representatives and observers from 40 Karen organizations from inside Burma, along the Thai-Burma border and overseas who took part in the 9th Karen Unity Seminar voiced their concern that there has [...]

2020-05-30T23:15:23+07:00June 4th, 2013|News|

The Dark Side of Government Reforms

Ariana Zarleen / Burma Link, December 20, 2013 Dreams Evaporate as Donors Abandon Thailand-Burma Border International donors have recently started pouring funds into central Burma without considering the needs that local CBOs on the Thailand-Burma border have been addressing [...]

2020-05-30T23:16:40+07:00December 20th, 2012|Articles|
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