Statement by the United Nationalities Federal Council (UNFC) | December 12, 2015

  1. The UNFC annual federal council meeting was successfully held from December 7 to 10, 2015. The departments submitted their annual activity reports, which were reviewed and adopted. Moreover, the election of new officials for the vacant positions was carried out by secret vote, and decisions relating to future work programs were taken.
  2. Also, discussions were made on continuing conclusive negotiation on the programs for implementing the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) with the current government, the Tatmadaw (Burmese Army) and the coming new government, and, for the purpose continuing the negotiation, the Delegation for Political Negotiation was formed.
  3. On December 8, 2015, the parliament adopted the NCA, which all the Ethnic Armed Resistance Organizations (EAROs) having participated throughout the time of formulation of the NCA, were not able to sign. Adopting an agreement lacking nationwide character and, if it were implemented without the inclusion of all, just as the result desired by all cannot be achieved, a comprehensive peace likewise cannot be established.
  4. With the intention of completing the implementation of NCA within the designated period, the current government has been trying feverishly with only some of the Ethnic Armed Resistance Organizations to finish drafting the framework for political dialogue. At the same time, the Tatmadaw has been conducting massive air and ground offensives in many areas of Kachin and Shan States. Due to the offensives, we see the occurrence of a large number of local people having to flee from their hearths and homes and the subjection of them to arrest, torture, execution etc., on a wide scale.
  5. We affirm that the UNFC has pledged to continue talks and negotiation together with the government and political parties concerned, with the intention of establishing long-lasting peace, and to participate in undertakings for ending the sufferings and miseries caused by the nearly 70 years long war.

Central Executive Committee

United Nationalities Federal Council (UNFC)


Nai Hong Sar – Vice Chairman Phone: +66(0)80-503-0849

Khu Oo Reh – General Secretary Phone: +66(0)84-805-1344