Statement by United Nationalities Federal Council (UNFC) | September 11, 2016

  1. The UNFC Central Executive Committee emergency meeting (extended), held from September 10 to 11, 2016, reviewed and discussed on various aspects of the political situation, after the 21st Century Panglong Conference, including the current peace process.
  1. The 21st Century Panglong Conference, held from August 31 to September 3, 2016 in Naypyidaw, was accepted as a testament to the people, with much transparency and a historic conference.
  1. The government, led by President U Htin Kyaw, and the State Counsellor, who had endeavored for holding the conference in such a way, are considerately honored and put on record.
  1. However, the all-inclusiveness still has to be realized on the part of the government and it is necessary to end most immediately all the military offensives, on the ground by Myanmar Tatmadaw, and to exercise in practice the new political culture of finding answer to the political problem by political means.
  1. We issue this statement to the effect that the UNFC will continue to strive for the establishment of peace in the country, including the nationwide ceasefire, and the establishment of a genuine federal democratic union.


Central Executive Committee

United Nationalities Federal Council



Nai Hantha – Vice Chairman            Phone: – +66(0)80-503-0849

Khu Oo Reh – General Secretary    Phone  – +66(0)84-805-1344