Statement by the United Nationalities Federal Council, March 8, 2015

1. The United Nationalities Federal Council strongly condemns the violent attacks, repression, and arrest of students and civilians who demonstrated peacefully for the amendment of the national education law to have democratic education, by plainclothes civilians, who wore armbands emblazoned with the words duty and disciplines and were utilized by the government, near the city hall in Rangoon on March 5, 2015.

2. We view that it is inappropriate and against democratic reform to crackdown on student protests with the continued utilizations of thugs named Swan Ah Shin by the current President U Thein Sein’s government, which uses laws under the 2008 constitution as if it were new oppression tactics, although these methods had been applied by previous military dictators.

The wrongful act has caused us great concern about the security of innocent students and civilians.

3. In addition, all the general problems of the country can be solved peacefully only if all the laws and provisions of the constitution that do not fit for democratic standards are amended rapidly, including the national education law. Therefore, we urge the use of consultation and genuine negotiations find solutions.


Central Executive Committee

United Nationalities Federal Council


Media Contact:

1. Khu Oo Reh General Secretary +66(0)84-805-1344

2. Salai Thla Hei Joint General Secretary-2 (English Language) +66(0)95-792-9372


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