‘All These Laws Are Intended to Take the Indigenous People’s Land Legally’: Saw Eh Say, Coordinator of Karenni Earthrights Action Network
Burma Link | August 16, 2017 The Karenni Earthrights Action Network (KEAN) was founded on January 15, 2012, by an alumni group from the Earthrights International (ERI) program. The organisation strives to protect and empower [...]
Burma’s Ethnic People Speak to Mark the International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples
Burma Link | August 11, 2017 The decades-long struggle of Burma’s ethnic nationalities for equal rights, social justice and federal democracy, and the grave human rights abuses occurring predominantly in outlying ethnic areas, continues to [...]
‘Take Effective Action…Leading to the Emergence of an International Criminal Tribunal for Burma’: Aung Htoo, Founder of Legal Aid Network
Burma Link | July 17, 2017 July 17, 2017, is the 15th Anniversary of the Rome Statute, which saw the establishment of the International Criminal Court and now marks the World Day for International Justice. In [...]
‘The NLD Government Should Be More Proactive and Initiative in the Peace Process’: Twan Zaw, General Secretary of the ANC
Burma Link | July 10, 2017 Twan Zaw has been working with the Arakan National Council (ANC) since 2004, and as the General Secretary since 2010. Twan Zaw joined the ANC as one of the [...]
‘We Do Not Have Any Funding to Save the Lives of These People’: Mary Twan, Director of KIA-Area Based Aid Organisation
Tribal Action Group and Burma Link | July 3, 2017 120,000 Kachin IDPs (internally displaced people) struggle to survive on 6.5 US dollars per month as the Burma Army continues attacking villages and committing violations [...]
‘The Government Really Needs to Encourage the Youth More’: Saw Htoo Htoo Stin, President of the Karen Student Network Group
Burma Link | June 29, 2017 As the President of the Karen Student Network Group (KSNG), Saw Htoo Htoo Stin has an important role in shaping the future of the youth of Karen State. He [...]
‘Unity Is Strength and Unity Is Victory’: Major General Nerdah Bo Mya on the Occasion of the 68th Karen Revolution Day
Burma Link | February 1, 2017 Karen Revolution Day was celebrated in a number of locations along the border area and inside Burma. One of the celebrations took place at the Karen National Defense Organisation [...]
‘Current Conditions Have Required Us to Cooperate Militarily in Aggressive Offensives to Resist the Burma Army’: Tar Parn La, PSLF/TNLA
Burma Link | November 30, 2016 Since the NLD-led Government’s coming to power, conflicts in Burma’s ethnic areas have intensified and widespread attacks against civilian populations have been documented by various civil society and human [...]